Page 22 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 22

Whole     Needs   Intelligences Attributes Energy
                                                                Body     To Live  Intelligence  Discipline Quantity
                                                               Mind     To Learn Intelligence   Vision   Focus
                                                               Heart     To Love  Intelligence  Passion  Quality
                                                                           To      Spiritual
                                                                Soul     Leave a  Intelligence Conscience Force
                                                                         Legacy      (SQ)

          Let's take a tour for self-evaluation for all the four CEO of  8. Are you free from habit of heavy intake of caffeine (tea,
          our body.                                              coffee)?
                                                              9. Are you getting reasons to often smile & laugh?
                                                              10. Do you avoid longer time of staring the computer
          Evaluate each statement as you are, rather as you think  screen/mobile?
          you should be.

          Body                                                "Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys
                                                              to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic and creative
          "To keep the body in good health is a duty. Otherwise
                                                              intellectual activity." John F. Kennedy
          we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear"
          Are we physically fit:                              "You have power over your mind, not outside events. Real-
          1. Do you maintain a healthy diet? {Balanced (fat, white  ize this and you will find strength." Marcus Aurelius
             sugar, white salt) fresh fruits, grains and vegetables}
                                                              Are we mentally Strong:
          2. Is your water intake adequate? (Min 2.5 Lt/day)
                                                              1. Do you have SMART goals in your personal and profes-
          3. Do you fall asleep easily and sleep soundly?        sional life?
          4. Do you feel that you have sufficient energy to meet  2. Are you optimistic in your view?
             your daily responsibilities?
                                                              3. Do you enjoy your job and is it fulfilling to you?
          5. Do you engage yourself in regular physical workout/
                                                              4. Do you have a sense of humor at appropriate place and
             walk lasting at least 20 minutes?
          6. Do you refrain yourself from the habits which are inju-
                                                              5. Are you flexible and adaptable to change?
             rious to health like chewing tobacco / smoking/ liquor
             etc.?                                            6. Do you update yourself regularly by reading newspa-
                                                                 pers/ articles/ Books etc.?
          7. Do you follow right sitting posture and avoid long sit-
             ting hours?                                      7. Are you able to coach /delegate/ inspire your team

               "In order to have mutual love in a relationship, respect and appreciation for each other must also exist."

         22    PR COMMUNICATION AGE   January - June 2020
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