Page 23 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 23

members/colleagues etc.?                         Soul
         8. Are you able to manage your time effectively by avoid-  "All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we
             ing distractions while performing your role?     who have put our hands before eyes and cry that it is dark".
                                                              Swami Vivekanand
         9. Are you able to deal with your negative thoughts ef-
             fectively if any?
                                                              Are you spiritually elevated:
         10. Are you able to perform things outside your comfort
                                                              1. Are you aware about your meaning/purpose of life?
                                                              2. Are you on the path of your life purpose?
         "The ability to be in the present moment is a major com-  3. Do you take some time for self-reflection?
         ponent of mental wellness." Abraham Maslow
                                                              4. Are you living complaint less life?
         Heart                                                5. Do you love natural places and find connection with
         "The emotionally intelligent person is skilled in four areas:
         Identifying emotions, using emotions, understanding emo-  6. Do you go out of your way or give time to help others?
         tions and regulating emotions." John Mayer           7. Do you meditate regularly at least for 20 minutes?
                                                              8. Do you respect other's values & beliefs without judg-
         Are you emotionally Intelligent:
                                                                 ing them?
         1. Do you find easy to express emotions like anger, hurt,
                                                              9. Do you have a sense of trust, love, gratitude towards
             and joy?
                                                                 the person and the things?
         2. Do you find easy to receive negative emotions of oth-
                                                              10. Do you believe that things happen in life for a reason?
         3. Do you find comfortable in meeting and dealing with  "We are not human being having a spiritual experience, we
             new people?                                      are spiritual beings having a human experience and infinite
         4. Are you able to manage your impulsive feeling and dis-  love is the only truth, everything else is an illusion". Pema
             tressing emotions well?                          Chodron
         5. Are you a good listener?
                                                              Let's prepare some of the development actions plan for each
         6. Do you show sensitivity and understand other perspec-  of the CEO of "Me unlimited"
         7. Are you able to handle difficult people and tense situ-  Development Action plan For Physical Fitness
             ations with diplomacy and tact?                  Y  Maintain a healthy and balance diet and include plenty
         8. Do you become aware about your mood shifts when      of fiber in your diet. (Fresh fruits, vegetables, herbals
             they occur?                                         etc.)
         9. Is it easy for you to appreciate/ acknowledge people  Y  Eating 2 hours before going to the bed is always good
             strengths, accomplishments/ developments?           for digestion & health.
         10. Are you able to forgive yourself & others for the mis-  Y  Avoid salted, pickled or smoked, acidic nature foods.
             takes done in the past?                          Y  Avoid eating in hassle and when feeling stressed.

         "Emotional pain is not something should be hidden away  Y  Drink plenty of water and healthy fluids. That will re-
         and never spoken about. There is truth in ourpain, there is  duce skin and kidney problems. Drink before you get
         growth in our pain, but only if it's first brought out into the  thirsty.
         open" Steven Aitchison                               Y  Avoid caffeine in your intake.

                     "The key to keeping quality people around you is to become a person of quality yourself"

                                                                     PR COMMUNICATION AGE   January - June 2020  23
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