Page 24 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 24
Y Taking 30 minutes early morning walk helps to keep fit Y Let go off negative thoughts to stay calm & positive.
and energetic.
Y Follow your instincts and be cool & calm even in ad-
Y Implement the two -minutes walking habits for every verse situations.
hour that you sit.
Y Think out of the box and come out with some creative
Y Take the stairs instead of the elevator. and innovative ideas every day.
Y Do physical exercise/Yoga every day. Y Be proactive instead of reactive in your approach.
Y Workout during TV commercials. Y Do not try to please /appease everyone every time.
Y Do some Deskercise. Y Be an observer of your own thoughts.
Y Involve yourself in sports activities you like. Y Take a break after every 90-120 minutes to regain en-
Y Keep yourself free from screen before going to bed. ergy. Like music, small walk, relaxing with closed eyes,
reading, meditation etc.
Y Have proper sleep/rest and avoid go to sleep with nega-
tive emotions and be consistence in your sleep sched- Y Give at least three compliments every day.
ule. Y Have an attitude of gratitude.
Y Take small breaks during work as an energizer. Y Smile more often this will help to keep your mind free
from stress.
Y Splash water on your eyes to keep eyes healthy.
Y Express yourself. This will boost your communication skill
Y Get your Health/Physical check-ups regularly and keep
your Blood Pressure/Cholesterol/Blood Sugar level on as well as your confidence.
check. Y Learn how to deal with stress.
Y Support your family in housework. Y Get help when you need it.
Y Do something for someone else.
Development Action plan For Mental Fitness
Y Brainstorm while you walk or on wheel.
Y Value yourself that will increase your self-esteem and
Y Energize your ideas.
Y Associate yourself with good people that will enrich Development Action plan For Emotional Fitness
your positivity.
Y Increase your awareness about your emotions.
Y Use self-talk which will expand your horizon of creative
Y Know your strengths & weaknesses.
Y Develop the ability to manage your and other's emo-
Y Socializing is a great mental wellness activity for im-
proving mental health. Be Social.
Y Develop a strong sense of appreciation.
Y Get inspired and share inspirational thoughts.
Y Show a genuine interest in the people whom you lead
Y Develop a reading habit, read good/inspirational books.
and associate.
Y Learn something new every day.
Y Develop your empathetic listening.
Y Get out of your comfort zone to challenge yourself.
Y Observe your feelings and take responsibility for your
Y Have a constructive conversation instead of gossiping. feelings
Y Do some mental activities to Improve concentration/ Y Pay attention to how you behave in a particular situa-
focus like Sudoku, puzzles etc. tion.
Y Decrease your distractions. Y Celebrate your small successes/wins.
"Create beautiful moments with your loved ones, so you can have wonderful memories."
24 PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020