Page 25 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 25
Y Learn to look at your objectivity. Y Know your spiritual inclination and follow.
Y Keep a diary, start by writing down what happened to Y Always connect with those persons who taught you the
you at the end of every day. lessons of life like parents/teachers/any person.
Y Understand and list down your motivators and de- Y Live B.I.G. (with Blessings, Intention and Gratitude)
motivators. Y Engage with family members and friends.
Y Trust your intuition. Y Respect every creation of almighty.
Y Use your emotional energy into something productive. Y Find and follow the meaning & purpose of life.
Like anger can be used positively. Y See the unseen. Look for deeper meaning in everything.
Y Open up yourself and be approachable. Y Take time to meditate/mindfulness.
Y Acknowledge what people are expressing. Y Free yourself from ego.
Y Develop the ability to understand other people's feel- Y Love others without expectations.
ings and viewpoints. Y Read spiritual books regularly.
Y Learn to control yourself and think before you act. Y Develop a circle of healthy and transparent relation-
Y Sense other feelings and perspectives and take active
interest in their concerns. Y Recite mantras or positive affirmations.
Y Read a group's emotional currents that will help to Y Each morning think of at least three things you are
improve your relationship. grateful for and be thankful for everything in life.
Y Say grace before meal.
Y Enrich yourself to Inspire and to guide individual/
If we will take care of our all four CEO of our body any chal-
Development Action plan For Spiritual Fitness lenging situation like COVID can be faced with full rigor.
Y Spare sometime for self - reflection. Let's begin the journey……….
Y Have faith in almighty, pray, don't abandon beliefs in Reference:
Y Forgive self & others.
X "8th Habit" Stephen R Covey
Y Practice acceptance and non - judgment.
X "Manage your energy not time" By Tony Schwartz and
Y Put compassion into action. Catherine McCarthy
Y Live your life joyfully. X
5 Tips for Leaders to Communicate More Effectively
1. Communicate relentlessly. Communicate information, thoughts, and ideas clearly - and frequently - in different
media. Keep processes open and transparent, and find ways to help smooth the path of communication for your
team or organization.
2. Simplify and be direct. Say what you mean. Be direct. Don't hide behind complexity or pile on a ton of informa-
tion. Simple communication can be smart communication.
3. Listen and encourage input. Pause. Be okay with silence. Encourage the other person to offer ideas and solu-
tions before you give yours. Do 80% of the listening and 20% of the talking.
4. Illustrate through stories. When you tell a good story, you give life to a vision, goal, or objective. Telling good
stories creates trust, captures hearts and minds, and serves as a reminder of the vision. Plus, people find it easier
to repeat a story or refer to an image or quote than to talk about a vision statement, strategy document, or
project plan.
5. Affirm with actions. If people hear one thing from you and see another, your credibility is shot. People need to
trust you. Your behavior and actions communicate a world of information - be clear on the messages you send
when you aren't speaking a word.
PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020 25