Page 30 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 30

Unrealistic expectations about our ability to completely  able realistically to work in the same concentrated periods
         move our professional and personal lives into the commu-  of time you used to. Contact your boss or teacher so ex-
         nal home have created extreme stress for families. Sociolo-  pectations for work and homework delivery are realistic.
         gist Erving Goffman coined the terms "front stage and back-  Anxiety will likely mount as we continue to deal with the
         stage" to describe how communicators present themselves.  uncertainties of this virus, and we continue to manage
         Using the metaphor of the stage, he describes how com-  working, parenting, and maintaining our home, and we
         municators make decisions about the formal and controlled  have no idea how long this will go on. As we continue to
         behaviors that they save solely for the "front stage," ver-  face the challenges ahead, we need to care for one another
         sus the informal, less controlled behaviors that communi-  and ourselves. Thoughtfully considering how we interact
         cators save for their "backstage" activities.        with one another can help us get through this difficult pe-
         Zoom and other virtual video conferencing platforms have
         blended front stage and backstage in unprecedented ways.  Fundamentals of Public Relations:
         This change happened with little opportunity for us to plan  Now let us move on to the discussion on Public Relation.
         or organize. Being thoughtful about our social presence in  Public Relation (PR) is the practice of deliberately manag-
         the coming weeks and likely months will be more impor-
                                                              ing the release and spread of information between an indi-
         tant than ever. What can we do to manage the way we
                                                              vidual or an organization (such as a business, government
         address our social presence as we adjust to a more virtual  agency, or a nonprofit organization - whatever may be) and
         world? Here are few tips to help us to navigate in this new  the public. Public Relation professionals help a business or
         environment we need to face months together.
                                                              an individual cultivate a positive reputation with the public
                                                              through various communications, including traditional me-
         Set Expectations -                                   dia, social media, and in-person engagements.
         Share our needs and expectations for our ability to spend
         time with one another, and discuss competing needs from  PR definitely helps entities to defend their reputation dur-
         work, school, or other outside commitments. Establish an  ing a crisis that threaten their credibility. Thus Public rela-
         overarching idea of what each member of your household  tions (PR) is about managing reputation. A career in PR
         will need, in terms of time and resources.           involves gaining understanding and support for the clients,
                                                              as well as trying to influence opinion and behaviour through
         Avoid becoming too comfortable-                      effective communication. It needs to use all forms of me-
         Recognize that trying to allocate part of our social pres-  dia and communication to build, maintain and manage the
         ence to our jobs, for those of us who can continue to tele-  reputation of the clients.
         work, and another part to family members during business
         hours is stressful and difficult and ultimately not effective  Nowadays, as it is evident from various market survey &
         over extended periods of time.                       research that the Public image makes up around 65% of
                                                              the value of most organizations today - whatever is their
         Maintain your focus-                                 style or area of operation? When there's a mishap or when
         Realize that engaging in multiple conversations simulta-  the company's reputation breaks down, it affects the
         neously can be efficient but can leave everyone feels un-  company's entire corporate existence and its affiliates. It
         supported. Focusing on only one conversation at a time can  takes almost 5 to 7 years to overcome a negative reputa-
         lead to more satisfying communication relationships.  tion. Hence even in such situation, it has become impor-
                                                              tant for a company to invest in good public relations strat-
         Communicate individual needs -                       egies to maintain a beneficial relationship with the public.
         Families will need to create explicit household rules that
         enable times for focusing on things one by one. Set specific  Public relation is a strategic communication process for the
         times for work or school activities, and other times that are  companies, individuals, and organizations use to build mu-
         solely devoted to family, but realize that you may not be  tually beneficial relationships with the public. A public rela-

                 "The key to a good marriage: laugh together, cry together, strive together. Do everything together."

         30    PR COMMUNICATION AGE   January - June 2020
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