Page 34 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 34

izing, no takeaway food, no trips to the mall, cinemas, and  this academic session. Special emphasis is now given for the
         theaters and, crucially for all students as schools & colleges  students of classes 10 and 12, who will be taking up the
         are under shutdown, no going to work.                various Board examinations during 2021; all the schools in
                                                              the different cities have resorted to regular classes and rig-
         The challenges presented to citizens of different age bands  orous & intense online tests mainly over the digital plat-
         are different - especially for those who are now attending  forms and mails.
         their class-room sessions or working from home are exposed
         to different experiences. In India, a complete nationwide  Challenges that are forced due to impo-
         lockdown was in place till 14th April (first term), extended
         up to 3rd May (second term), and further extended up to  sition of lockdown:
         17th May (third term) & finally extended up to 31st May,  Challenges that organizations face are unprecedented and
         2020 (fourth term) and subsequently lock down may be  can seem overwhelming. These include disruption of ser-
         continued up to how many days no one knows - but being  vices and sales, the need to keep their brand relevant,
         definitely different for various states or to be considered  whilst also managing a workforce that has been forced to
         based on different zones turning from green to orange and  operate remotely and in testing conditions. As we get
         orange to red or vice versa.                         deeper into the lockdown period, there are numerous ques-
                                                              tions being raised in dealing with many unknowns. This is a
         Now it is evident Maharashtra, UP, Punjab, Bihar, etc. are  good thing as it drives us towards finding effective and in-
         atrociously seeking extension of lock down period up to 31st  novative solutions to the multitude of issues that rear their
         May at this point of time.  But every crisis has a life cycle  head in such situations. Challenges that organizations face
         and emotional states and needs vary with the cycle's stages.  are unprecedented and can seem overwhelming.
         The COVID-19 crisis can be divided in five stages: (1) Re-
         solve, (2) Resilience, (3) Return, (4) Re-imagination, and  These include disruption of services and sales, the need to
         finally (5) Reform. These stages span the crisis of today to  keep their brand relevant, whilst also managing a workforce
         the next normal that will emerge after COVID-19 has been  that has been forced to operate remotely and in testing
         controlled. The duration of each stage may vary based on  conditions. Important expectations such as the health and
         geographic and business context, and organizations may  welfare of employees, guidance to shareholders and mak-
         find themselves operating in more than one stage simulta-  ing contributions to the society; all find equal place on the
         neously.                                             priority list.I was on a webinar where the guidance given is
                                                              that businesses in the communications industry will have to
                                                              reorient themselves to get a far deeper understanding of
                                                              their client's business realities to be relevant.

                                                              It is my belief that every situation can be managed by
                                                              proper planning and curette. The recovery strategy is two-
                                                              fold. Firstly, it calls for strong leadership and credible com-
                                                              munication, both internal and external. Communication
                                                              that bonds with different stakeholders and is alert to what
                                                              is essential to clients in given socioeconomic climate is the
                                                              need of the hour. The second part includes the way forward
                                                              for brands and organizations. There is no one size fits all
          FIGURE 6: TOOLS THAT MAY BE USED FOR PR DURING      strategy but having said this, the bedrock of success will lie
                       THIS LOCK DOWN PERIOD                  in narrating the brands' story with transparency and sensi-
                                                              tivity to the current scenario.
         As part of the preventive measures taken to avoid the
         spread of COVID 19 however, all schools are currently shut  Stakeholders look to leaders to take the right initiatives and
         down. Schools in various cities have begun their classes on  bring clarity to a crisis. How leadership handles communi-
         various subjects on specific schedules over Social media like  cations can go a long way in ensuring business effective-
         WhatsApp, and also on various digital platforms like Zoom,  ness and cementing relationships with all stakeholders. The
         video lessons and online tests to complete the syllabus for  leaders who stand apart communicate in a timely, trust-

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