Page 39 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 39

complexities of conflicts managements, some best practices  the opinion, maintain the harmony and move towards
         are to be adopted to mitigate the adverse impact.    success. In a nutshell we have to identify the conflict, look
                                                              beyond the incident, request solution, identify solution and
         Y   Be aware of conflicts                            manage the conflicts strategically. It is to be minimized
                                                              through effective conflict management strategies like.
         Y   Take a considered and rational approach to conflict
         Y   Investigate the situation                        Accommodating: The accommodating strategy essentially
         Y   Decide how to tackle the conflict                entails giving the opposite side what it wants
         Y   Let everyone have their say                      Avoiding: The avoiding strategy seeks to put off conflict
         Y   Identify options and agree on a way forward
                                                              Collaborating: Collaboration works by integrating ideas set
         Y   Implement what has been agreed
                                                              out by multiple people.
         Y   Evaluated how things are going
                                                              Comprising: The compromising strategy typically calls for
         Y   Consider preventive strategies for the future    both the sides of a conflict to give up elements of their
                                                              position in order to establish an acceptable, if not agreeable,
         Conflict can frequently become destructive. If adequate care  solution.
         is not taken negative emotions may be stirred up, poisoning
                                                              Competing: Competition operates as a zero-sum game, in
         the atmosphere, undermining morale, creating stress and
                                                              which one side wins and other loses
         destroying workplace relationships. Ultimately, if overlooked,
         this is likely to have an adverse effect on performance and  Conflicts results when two parties have different
         conflict can escalate or spread to affect others.    perspective/opinion on certain issue and neither side is
         Furthermore, if conflicts are not resolved, the situation may  willing to compromise. Conflict is neither good nor bad.
         deteriorate, leading to litigation and damaging the  However conflicts are to be avoided and managed in a
         organization's reputation. Conflicts can be costly in terms  continuous basis. Unmanaged or poorly managed conflicts
         of time and money. It is therefore vital to manage conflicts
                                                              generate a break down in trust and lost efficiency.
         constructively. However for handling interpersonal conflicts
                                                              Unnecessary conflicts can be avoided simply with clear,
         within the workforce, as related to conflicts with customers,  accurate written and verbal communication. Nevertheless
         requires a different form of resolution.
                                                              we have to develop excellent communication skill.  Creative
                                                              problem solving, empathy and emotional intelligence are
         Conflict management: Both Science and                also the key factors for effective conflict management.

                                                              Resolving conflict is a cardinal part in a decision making
         Conflict management is the ability to map, identify and  process. It should be done effectively by taking positive,
         handle conflicts sensibly, fairly, rationally and efficiently.  courteous and non-confrontational approach. In an
         More precisely it is the process of scaling down negative  environment where stress level is very high and deadlines
         aspects of conflicts while scaling up positive aspects of  are imminent, it is of paramount importance to come
         conflicts. The aim of conflict management is to enhance  forward and implement conflict management. For a better
         learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness or  operational efficiency, aspects of conflict are to be managed
         performance in an organizational setting.            and the role of a successful manager lies with the
                                                              management of conflict with a view to achieve the business/
         Handling conflicts at work place does not involve any skill  corporate goals. Hence key part of manager's role gyrate
         set. In order to mange conflicts in a superior manner we  around resolving conflict with meaningful supposition i.e.
         have to talk with the other person, focus on behavior &  PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.
         events not on personalities, listen carefully, identify the
         points of agreement & disagreement, prioritize the areas  (Source: CMI vision, American Management Association,
         of conflict, develop a plan to work on each conflict, examine  small business .chron)

                                       "A strong woman just needs to be loved strongly"

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