Page 37 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 37

Group internal communications channels specialist Melody  tools. A well-thought out communication strategy fuelled
         Currey.                                              by meticulous media monitoring and analysis might seem a
                                                              basic necessity but during such a crisis it is significant in
         Another important mention here, may be VIDIZMO's     getting the narrative right. The one thing brands and lead-
         'EnterpriseTube' that provides a secure platform to bridge  ers do need to keep in mind is that there is no substitute
         the gap in communication arising from working remote.  for authenticity.
         With efforts to contain the corona virus pandemic; many
         companies have mandated or encouraged their employees  Those who make decisions that are honest and purpose-
         globally to start working from home to practice social dis-  driven, will reap lasting goodwill and brand love. This is even
         tancing and to support these efforts. To make it easier,  more crucial as brands and leaders are being put under the
         organization may try to leverage their existing IT systems  microscope by the media and the public, who will not hesi-
         and applications, like CMS (e.g., SharePoint) or video  tate to call out those they feel, are not handling the situa-
         conferencing tools (e.g., Zoom), through seamless integra-  tion sensitively enough or are exploiting it for profit. On the
         tion with VIDIZMO. VIDIZMO's 'EnterpriseTube' can be  flipside are brands going out of their way to genuinely help
         deployed on a shared or private cloud, on-premises, or as a  the community. The core expectation that consumers have
         hybrid model. Some tips are given on how to adjust for  of brands in any situation, but particularly in a crisis, is that
         working from home during lockdown situation through  brands will do what is right for their employees, suppliers,
         'EnterpriseTube' stated as below:                    customers, and society at large.
         1. Everyone can use mobile phones or tablets to access
             this solution through any browser.
                                                              Bringing people together by facilitating community, offer-
         2. By informing the employees on privacy and security  ing empathy, and providing social support is as important.
             concerns they should consider when creating or shar-  But it doesn't have to always be about something on a large
             ing videos from home.                            scale. Even something as simple and digital as a short video

         3. In such a situation, it's more important that internal  or a single post can do wonders. Take the example of
             communication is going smoothly, and employees are  'Etihad' -airlines are amongst the hardest hit as travel has
             capable of operating remotely.                   completely come to a halt and fears of being cooped with
                                                              strangers for hours is the last thing one wants; a sentiment
         While summing up:                                    that is most likely to continue in the months to follow.
         Given the economic decline and social restrictions, there is
         a lot of uncertainty and fear, which is counter-productive.  So how does the brand allay these fears and instill confi-
         Hence, it is vital that the organizations increase the fre-  dence when people consider traveling again? 'Etihad' cre-
         quency of communication - nothing calms and motivates  ated a short film (just under two minutes long) that
         people more than to know that there is a plan in place, no  chronicled the hygiene standards maintained by the airline
         matter how tough the situation seems.  Leaders can look  on each of their aircrafts. Perhaps it will not have an im-
         at various forms of internal communications such as blogs,  pact in the short-term but as things return to normalcy,
         help lines, internal social engagement initiatives and virtual  people will be little more assured about choosing 'Etihad'
         communities. This will not only reduce the distance between  for their air travel.
         the work teams, it will also in turn guide to an increased
         sense of commitment and motivation towards business and  In time, even as our stark new normal begins to get clearer,
         work.                                                to assume anything is folly. Together, we will see these
                                                              tough times pass. But beyond the fragility of the way life
         The pandemic has been cataclysmic with its twists and  works at the moment, we have a golden opportunity; to
         turns and the result is many brands and leaders might feel  discover new ideas, rethink old assumptions, and create
         unprepared to cope with unfolding events. This is why it is  new magic. By doing this we can emerge from this global
         important to have a clear strategy backed by an under-  crisis stronger, wiser and more prepared for future chal-
         standing of the pulse of the audience through appropriate  lenges. T

          "Don't you get it? That's what happens when you love someone: they're brave when you can't be! I can be brave--
                                                  for you, for both of us!"

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