Page 38 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 38
I n a collective decision making process, the biggest dissatisfaction with working conditions or remuneration,
excessive workloads, lack of recognition or promotion,
conundrum is conflict which may be conflict of interest
or conflict of thought process or conflict of approach
perceptions of discrimination or unfair treatment, feelings
or any such activity where conflict is contemplated. It
is quite evident that disagreements, difference of opinion of insecurity, fear or redundancy, clashes of personality,
misunderstanding and differing expectations of what
and conflicting perspectives on key issues inevitably arise in constitutes appropriate behavior- to name but a few.
any context where people are working together.
How to overcome Imperceptible Blight:
In banking ambience conflict is very often visible while
In any situation involving more than one person conflict may
handling job work or exercising delegation in credit delivery arise. Conflict at the workplace might be inevitable as
/NPA recovery or allocating/fixing targets during in a employees having different personalities, goals and opinions.
business process. Conflict exists when disagreement lead to
Conflicts may be between managers and their staff, between
arguments and struggle between people with competing team members, departments, or managers. Conflict may be
ideas and/or personal interest. There are many sources of expressed openly, but it may also be hidden, in the form of
conflicts in the workplace - differences of opinion,
irritation, resentment, loss of morale and lack of
About the author Hidden Conflict is easy to miss and therefore can be
particularly damaging. If nothing is done to address the
Biswajit Sen
underlying issues, conflicts may escalate -from gossip,
Chief Manager (Faculty)
backbiting and criticism, threats and possible atrocities. Such
Union Bank of India
consequences can often be prevented by taking early action
Staff Training Center Kolkata
to address the issues. In order to understand the
38 PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020