Page 42 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 42

5. Reducing child mortality                          society,trust, charitablefoundations etc. as per purposes
         6. Promotions of road safety, Driver's training      defined under company act.
         7. Training to enforcement personnel                 Benefits of CSR activities:
         8. Promoting health care including preventive health care  Benefits to Company
         9. Vocational skills livelihood enhancement projects  1. Enhanced Brand and Reputation- CSR improves the

         10. Consumer education and awareness program            image of the organization. When an organization
                                                                 carries out CSR activities, it is telling the community
         11. Conservation and renovation of school building and
                                                                 members that it is a friend of the community. This
             classrooms as promoting education
                                                                 improves the impression people have about the
         12. Disaster relief i.e. medical aid for promoting health,  corporate existence of the organization.
             food supply for eradicating hunger ,poverty or
                                                              2. Increased sales and customer retention- Company
             malnutrition, supply of clean water, sanitation etc in  products and services are perceived by the society. The
             case of any disaster
                                                                 company product and business first satisfy customer's
         13. Any assist in ensuring environmental sustainability,  key buying criteria such as price, quality, taste, safety
             ecological balance, protection of flora &fauna, animal  and convenience which create trust between the
             welfare, agro forestry,  conservation of natural    company and clients. It fosters strong working
             resources and maintaining quality of soil air and water  relationships with both existing and new clients because
         14. Employment enhancing vocational skills              they understand that the company is a partner not only
                                                                 for the profit of the organization but also to support
         15. Relief and funds for the welfare of the Scheduled caste,
             the Scheduled Tribes, other backwards classes,      their public value.
             minorities and woman and such other matters as may  3. Enhanced employee acquisition and retention:
             be prescribed.                                      Robust CSR framework helps the company to attract
                                                                 the potential future employees. There is a common
         16. Contribution of funds provided to technology incubators
             located within academic institutions which are      perception of the public that if company is working well
             approved by the central government                  for the society so it can be good for employee also Viz.
                                                                 Tata, Wipro, Infosys, Private and public sector banks
         17. Contribution to the Prime Minister's National Relief  etc. It also helps the company to attract or retain the
             Fund or any other fund set by the Central Government  talent employees by offering work life balance, positive
             or State government for socio -economic development  working conditions, culture and flexibility to work.
         18. Rural Developments projects                      4. Improved relation with the investment community
         19. Contribution to the Swachh Bharat Kosh              and better access to Capital- The companies that
                                                                 embrace the essential qualities of CSR outperform their
         20. Contribution to the Clean Ganga Fund
                                                                 counterpart that do not use features of CSR. Thus CSR
                                                                 activity of the company addressing the ethical, social
         All these activities are a few examples of CSR activities. It
         means that all those activities which are environment   and environmental responsibilities helps the company's
         friendly, socially acceptable by the people and society comes  perspective in raising the capital in comparison with
         under CSR activities. However the company CSR committee  others.
         may identify areas other than the stated above. Company  5. Reduce regulatory oversight: Companies engaged in
         hasto give preference to the local area and areas around  CSR activities are much aware about the regulatory
         where it operates for spending the amount under CSR     guidelines which help the company in sustainable
         activity.                                               growth of the business.

         The company can meet the CSR obligations by implementing Benefits to society
         activities on its own or through a third party, such as a  1. Positive impact on the society: A CSR activity promotes

          "God loves you so much!" the master said. "How do I know? He gives you enough sense to take your wife's advice."

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