Page 45 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
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as you can. Indeed, not only your image matters, but you 1. Storytelling
will also need to focus on the image of your employees. Due to the influence of technology, attention spans are a
lot shorter than before. On top of that, it is more difficult
Let's have a look at the most important statistics and trends to gain your audience's trust because of the increase of fake
for this year! news.
Public Relations statistics Yet, storytelling is gaining a lot of relevance this year. But,
Y 80% of marketers and PR professionals think that digi- you will need to adapt your PR storytelling for different
tal storytelling is the future channels, such as new devices.
Y Many PR executives believe that their job will be given
a new name in the near future. This is due to the fact Remember that as important as what you say, it is how you
that it involves a lot of multitasking, and also because say it. So, try to make it interesting as well as convincing
its actual name doesn't match in detail with what they for your audience. And, do not forget to double check your
do sources.
Y Over the last 5 years PR agencies have grown up to
Research is key these days. It is fairly easy to go online and
30% per year
collect a lot of information. Though, it is not that easy to
Y Most journalists believe their audiences will trust them check its veracity. And it is even more difficult to make this
less this year data appealing to your audience.
Y According to a great number of PR executives influ-
encer marketing is becoming more and more impor- Bear in mind that any PR strategy aims at improving your
tant brand's reputation. So, if you want your audience's trust,
you need to offer them trustworthy stories.
Y 92% of consumers prefer earned media to traditional
2. A solid content marketing strategy
Y Many consumers consider advertising as a less reliable Having a content marketing strategy is not only advisable,
source than they did some years ago
but is key in 2020. This is due to the fact that PR and con-
Y Journalists are pressured to write various stories in a tent marketing are closely related.
short period of time
Y These days, millenials are prone to be influenced by PR ?s main priority is to improve your brand's reputation.
blogs and social networks Indeed, you will be able to do so if you design a good con-
tent marketing strategy.
Y 80% of decision-makers prefer getting data from ar-
ticles instead of from ads
Nowadays, companies create content so as to educate their
Y 70% of consumers prefer to know a company from an audience instead of to promote their products straight-
article rather than from an advertisement away.
Y 68% of consumers are inclined to read information
about a company they are interested in So, if the content you create is original and interesting for
your audience, they might do business with you. But, most
Y 86% of people have a tendency to avoid TV ads
importantly, they might spread the word and recommend
Y 44% of the direct emails that companies send to con- your brand. Or, even better share your content online,
sumers are never opened which will place your business in front of a wider audience.
Y 91% of email users that subscribe to a company cancel
the service after a while 3. Influencers
Lately, partnerships with influencers have significantly in-
Public Relations trends in 2020 creased. This is due to the fact that influencers can help
"The ugliest woman I have ever courted is ignorance; the most beautiful woman I have ever charmed is love."
PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020 45