Page 50 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
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that, for each of your stories, you will have to find out origi- detect your keywords are not helping you to reach a wider
nal ways of telling them. audience, use different keywords.
First of all, you should decide on topics to write about. For When you write new pieces of content you need to con-
instance, if you've won an award or how to solve specific sider that this is not only messaging, but also you aim at
problems of a widely used product, etc. Depending on the building your outlet/contact search list. That's why using
topic, the angle will differ. suitable keywords will help you to attract journalists, report-
ers, analysts and your customers.
Though, there is something which can make you stand out
Thus, if you want journalists to distribute your message, you
from your competitors: you. Even though you share the
same industry and sell similar products/services, you, your will have to choose keywords and topics carefully. Once you
have worked with some journalists, you should create a
company, your employees are different. So, you should use
contacts list which might make it easier for you to get your
this to your benefit.
content published in the future.
As regards being innovative when telling your story, there How to build your outlet and contact
is no doubt you should try to do so. Think that no one wants
to read the same staff again and again, make it appealing lists
for your audience. If you design your own PR media list, it will make your job a
lot easier as it will save you a lot of time and money. You can
Keyword/Topic Research use your media contact list to reach your contacts quickly. A
If you want your efforts to be profitable, you will have to media list consists of key media contacts that might want
pay attention to keyword and topic research. It is crucial stories about your business or area of expertise.
to use the right keywords if you want your content to rank
high in search engines. For example bloggers, reporters, journalists, freelance writ-
ers, producers, editors, etc. These people work for differ-
But how can you do that? First, you will have to do some ent channels: radio, TV, blogs, newspapers, magazines, etc.
research. Depending on your audience and the type of message that
you want to communicate, you will need to work with dif-
It is necessary that you identify which topics are relevant ferent contacts.
for your audience. You can use tools to help you with this
task. You need to know what kind of words they are typing First of all, you will need to find out which contacts can be
in search engines. useful for your brand. Yet, before you do so, you will need
to think about who your target audience is and what chan-
Yet, Keywords in PR are not the same as in marketing. The nels are they interested in. And you need to check if they
main difference is that keywords in PR need to be relevant prefer to get information through blogs, TV programs,
for a longer time than those of marketing. websites, etc.
Once you have analyzed what your audience wants, you can Outlet Search
create your own list of keywords. This list will help you to Once you are familiar with who your audience is and what
decide which topics you should write about. Your keywords channels do they prefer, it's time you focus on outlet search
list can change as time goes by or if you see some of the - finding writers contacts.
keywords you are using are not effective.
You need to find the best person to contact from the me-
Apart from using relevant keywords, you will need to check dia outlet. This person should be the one in charge of cov-
if they are helping you with your SEO efforts or not. If you ering news about the topic of your story.
"Being in love with someone is different from loving them."
50 PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020