Page 51 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 51

It is easier to contact with specialized journalists than some-  need to use tools to help you create your contacts list. You
         one who is in charge of a channel. It is better if you try to  can use a media database tool that helps you to find out
         reach someone who writes about the theme of your story.  contacts from your industry as well as relevant outlets. This
         Or even better, someone of less authority that works for  way, you would be able to reach many suitable writers in a
         this person. You might get more and prompt replies.  matter of seconds.

         By the way, you can discover who writes about your indus-  Having your contacts list ready, it does not mean you will
         try reading articles and noting down their authors. And also,  succeed. Remember that reaching journalists is quite diffi-
         you can call the publication or search online. Whatever the  cult as they receive many pre-written press releases every
         method you use, you shouldn't try to reach different people  day. So, you will need to write something that catches their
         from the same place, but the right person with the right  attention.
         job title who might like your story.
                                                              And also, it is key to have your writers list up-to-date be-
         On top of that, it is necessary to understand local media  cause they might change jobs, move to another city, change
         outlets. To determine which media outlet would be better  position within the company, etc.
         for you, you need to consider several aspects. If you want
         them to post your content, you will have to consider how  Audience Targeting
         often do they publish content. And also, if they have spe-
                                                              However obvious it may seem, it is key to narrow down your
         cific deadlines.
                                                              target audience. The truth is there are many people who
                                                              can form part of your audience such as customers, poten-
         Apart from that, you will have to bear in mind       tial customers, stakeholders, journalists, bloggers, and
         their audience:                                      more.
         Y Y Y Y Y  Do you share the same audience?
                                                              So, if you want to succeed, you will need to address your
         Y Y Y Y Y  How big is it?
                                                              PR campaigns to specific segments of your audience. If your
         Y Y Y Y Y  Will they be interested in your content?
                                                              aim is to target your local customers, you might want to
         Y Y Y Y Y  Will it help you to reach your objectives?  run a PR campaign targeting location-based customers and
         Consider if your topic is relevant to the medium, how it
         works and who follows it to decide which media outlet will  Whoever your target audience is, it is vital that you specify
         work best for you. Once you've identified it, then you will  as much as possible who they are. This will help you to pass
         need to create your contacts list. And after that build a  on your message through a channel that is appealing to
         relationship with them.                              them. Thus, you will achieve a better communication. So,
                                                              the results will be greater.
         Contact Search
         Depending on the impact you want to get with your mes-  But, how can you reach your target audience?
         sage, you will need to create a different PR contact list.  Once you have decided on who are going to be subject of
                                                              your PR campaign, you should consider the following:
         If what you want is to get your message published in local
         channels, you can create your own contact list with relevant
         contact details. You can note down the names of those who  1. Use social networks effectively
         write about your industry, search online or call their publi-  An excellent way of engaging with your audience is by us-
         cations.                                             ing social networks to post content. Besides, you can use
                                                              those channels to drive people to your website, solve their
         Yet, if what you want is to have a wider exposure, you will  problems, advertise your products, etc. And also, it is easier

          "The relationships that you genuinely care about are the ones that will form the strongest network you can build."

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