Page 53 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 53

Though it takes ages to boost your reputation, someone  3. Lack of planning
         can damage it in a few seconds.                      As it happens with the strategies of any other field, in PR it

                                                              is a must to plan beforehand. You need to know what path
         That's why it is necessary to have a PR strategy. Though,  you are going to follow and each of the steps of your strat-
         having a strategy and follow it is not enough. Unexpected  egy. You have to know what, when and how you are going
         issues might arise during the process. Or, there can be pit-  to proceed.
         falls if you do not follow your strategy steps properly.
                                                              Moreover, you need to be ready with a backup plan in case
         Below there are some of the most well-known pitfalls in PR  something happens out of the blue. It is vital to be always
         that you need to watch out!                          ready.

         1. Poor timing                                       Failing to have a clear plan might prove to be disasters in
         Not surprisingly, in PR it is crucial to plan before hand. So,  PR. The truth is that issues might happen, or you may de-
         if you want the media to publish your press releases, you  cide to change the strategy or part of it due to any reason.
         will have to consider their deadlines.               So, it is crucial to always know what to do next.

         Some channels distribute data on a daily basis such as news-  4. Poor follow-up
         papers. Others, deliver content weekly like magazines.  Unbelievable as it may seem, many brands lose opportuni-
         Online channels such as social networks or blogs post infor-  ties due to poor follow-up. If you send a press release to a
         mation regularly.                                    publication, you should be happy to answer any questions
                                                              they might have.
         Thus, depending on the channel, you will have to be ready
         to provide content at the time that is best for them. What  Sometimes journalists call brands to close a deal or to ask
         is more, it should be ready in time, so when they ask for it,  for any details they are not sure, etc. Thus, it is fundamen-
         it will be ready.                                    tal that you know how to handle this kind of situations.
                                                              Otherwise, you could lose chances of sharing your message.
         2. Inadequately written press releases
         Another typical mistake in PR is when a brand produces 5. Not thinking outside the box
         press releases that are inadequately written. That is to say,  Although I've previously mentioned that it is useful to cre-
         when the length, the language, the sentences used are not  ate a contacts list to send them your press releases, it is
         appropriate. Or even worse, when there are errors, omis-  undeniably true that you could be losing new opportunities.
         sions, jargon or the structure is not suitable, etc.  If you always send your content to the same newspapers,
                                                              radio stations, TV channels, etc. you could be ignoring other
         These and many other things could be disasters for your PR  ways of distributing data.
         content distribution. They can create you a bad reputation
         among journalists. So, it is key to check and revise your  Indeed, these days it is critical to think outside the box if
         content before sending it to publications.           you do not want to be beaten by your competitors, you
                                                              have to go for what is different!
         Finally, if you generate content that is not relevant, with-
         out any media purpose and try to get it published, the in-  6. Lack of help
         adequately written content could be fatal for your brand  Some companies spend too much money working with
         ?s image. Journalists and reporters will recognize your brand  costly PR agencies to put into practice their PR strategy.
         ?s name. Thus, they won't take you into account when you  Yet, others prefer not to have anything to do with this kind
         have something newsworthy to share.                  of organizations.

                                     "Relationships almost always kill a beautiful friendship."

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