Page 58 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 58

Buyers are also ramping up their DOOH investments as the  panies claiming to "clean the supply path." Adtech compa-
         targeting and buying options become more programmatic  nies can make use of this trend.
         and data-driven. Ad tech players who offer capabilities and
         solutions in this emerging channel will be in demand in 2020  ACR data will be a key focus
         and should take advantage.
                                                              The beauty of ad tech and digital advertising in general is in
                                                              its targeting. But what happens when consumers migrate
         SPO is the new ad tech buzzword                      from traditional TV to smarter devices? In 2020, everyone
         Supply path optimization or "SPO" might be the buzziest  will be talking about ACR data. ACR data allows marketers
         ad tech acronym of 2019. SPO refers to DSPs and ad buy-  to understand viewership behavior across CTV inventory and
         ers being choosy about specific content. In doing so, they  devices, so it's core to targeting ads on CTV. Yet ACR data
         get more efficient and transparent routes to media. This  currently faces several challenges. It's hard to scale, although
         cuts down on the volume of queries for buy-side vendors  that will change quickly as CTV grows. Other issues, like de-
         while lowering prices for potential inventory. It boils down  vice fragmentation, are more entrenched. Different CTV
         to streamlining how the demand side and supply side inter-  product manufacturers have different ACR guidelines in
         act.                                                 place. End-user privacy is also an issue, given new regulations.

         As the ad tech landscape has become more convoluted, SPO  This is an obvious PR opportunity for ad tech companies in
         will be a top ad tech PR trend in the New Year. However,  the CTV space. Most advertising reporters, especially on the
         ad tech PR pros should keep in mind that it's a fairly tech-  trade side, know about ACR data. But they may need more
         nical topic and not likely to drive interest among main-  background on ACR challenges, particularly as new privacy
         stream business publications - at least for now. Alterna-  regulations go into effect. There's also an opportunity to
         tively, ad trade media have been all over it with great ex-  brief ad tech reporters at business publications, because
         plainer articles. In 2020, I expect media to seek out com-  they might not yet be focused on ACR data. (PRtoday) T

                         New Consumer Protection Act comes into force
           The Central Government will soon be notifying new norms for e-commerce companies on consumer complaint redressal,
           as part of the Consumer Protection Act 2019. In an official statement, Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food &
           Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan, said the rules for prevention of unfair trade practices by e-commerce platforms
           will also be covered under the Act. The new Act has been introduced to provide protection to buyers not only from
           traditional sellers but also from e-commerce retailers and platforms. According to the Act, e-commerce platforms will
           need to acknowledge the receipt of any consumer complaint within 48 hours and redress the complaint within one
           month from the date of receipt. The gazette notification for the establishment of the Central Consumer Protection
           Authority and rules for prevention of unfair trade practice in e-commerce are under publication, the official state-
           ment added.
           Paswan said under the Act, every e-commerce entity is required to provide information regarding return, refund,
           exchange, warranty and guarantee, delivery and shipment, modes of payment, grievance redressal mechanism, pay-
           ment methods, security of payment methods, charge-back options including country of origin, which are necessary
           for enabling the consumer to make an informed decision at the pre-purchase stage on its platform. The Act provides
           for establishment of the Central Consumer Protection Authority. The CCPA will be empowered to investigate viola-
           tions of consumer rights and institute complaints and prosecution, order recall of unsafe goods and services, and or-
           der discontinuance of unfair trade practices as well as misleading advertisements. It will also have powers to impose
           penalties on manufacturers, endorsers and publishers of misleading advertisements.
           There will be no fee for filing cases up to Rs. 5 lakh. There are also provisions for filing complaints electronically and
           credit of amount due to unidentifiable consumers to Consumer Welfare Fund. The law also introduces the concept of
           product liability and brings within its scope, the manufacturer, service provider and seller, for any claim for compen-
           sation. It provides for punishment by a competent court for manufacture or sale of spurious goods.
           The Central Consumer Protection Council Rules provide for the constitution of the Central Consumer Protection Coun-
           cil, an advisory body on consumer issues, headed by the Minister of Consumer Affairs with the Minister of State as
           Vice Chairperson and 34 other members from different fields, the official statement added.

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