Page 55 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 55

Six PR trends that will impact

                                   businesses in 2020

         2       020 will see a rise in strategic  tive to support businesses being more  human element to remain relevant. PR

                                                                               firms will need to hire/train consultants
                 roles across organizational
                                            visible online to generate the right traf-
                 marketing plans with a focus
                                                                               gagements- from developing content,
                 on metrics and measurement.  fic to their corporate platforms.  to create and maintain meaningful en-
         A further shift is happening towards 2. Niche and specialized PR will  to hosting events, to other forms of
         impact- and outcome-based results. gain popularity :                  communications that people can relate
         The industry is the midst of a commu-   In 2020, organizations will be even  to. With the masses of content online,
         nications era, with earned media ap-  more selective in deciding which PR  consumers are moving towards digital
         proaches being more strategic, more  firm they will partner with, placing  decluttering. PR professionals will need
         measurable, and more essential than  unprecedented pressure on PR profes-  to present consumers with content that
         ever before, creating demand for like-  sionals. Businesses will select an agency  is sharp, meaningful, and relevant. With
         minded public relations (PR) profes-  based on their specialization. Industry  this trend, we can expect opinion pieces
         sional to lead the way. With so many  experience and having a clear under-  to take the center stage, helping busi-
         different platforms and technologies in  standing of the local market, cultural  ness leaders connect with their audi-
         play, here's my pick on the powerful PR  aspects, and its trends will be seen by  ence on a personal level.
         trends that will dominate the year  brands as critical factors for selecting
         ahead:                             an agency to work with. PR consult- 4.  New types of content that
         1. Importance of data with in-     ants will thus need to be proactive and  drives sales :
         teractive content explosion :      smart to support brands effectively in  There is a growing hunger for new
         More than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data  a fast-moving environment. Moreover,  types of content. Voice, for instance,
         is generated worldwide every day, and  PR firms will need to demonstrate a  is expected to be a US$40 billion chan-
         the amount of global data sphere sub-  deep understanding of their clients'  nel by 2022. Moreover, it is also re-
         ject to data analysis is projected to  businesses, and provide examples of  ported that at least 47% of sales are
         grow to 5.2 zettabytes by 2025. With  integrated campaigns that focus on  driven by buyers who have viewed 3-5
         the influx of digital content, PR efforts  results, which have made an impact on  pieces of content before engaging with
         will need to be smarter and even more  their audience.                a sales representative. Consumption of
         engaging than ever before. 2020 will                                  thought leadership has grown from
         witness hyper-focused digital cam-  3. Meaningful engagements         50% to 58% over the past year- this is
         paigns that are designed to reach a will have a deeper impact :       especially the case in the B2B segment.

         niche audience group. SEO PR will be-  Despite the introduction of new tech-  And 55% of decision-makers say they
         come an integral part of communica-  nology, specialized algorithms, and  use thought leadership as an impor-
         tion campaigns, with the main objec-  fancy electronic devices, PR needs a  tant way to vet a business. In 2020, PR

                           "When you're in a relationship as a taker, the giver will eventually get tired."

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