Page 59 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 59


                                       DURING A CRISIS

         W            e have seen this during other periods of eco-  But the world of media has changed dramatically in the last

                      nomic uncertainty: Businesses and consum-
                                                              decade. Managing your company's reputation through a glo-
                      ers react, and those reactions have ripple
                      effects. Marketing strategies are being al-  bal crisis is different and harder than it was during the finan-
                                                              cial crisis of 2008. There are significantly more authors,
         tered and advertising budgets are being slashed. While it can  bloggers and influencers contributing to many more media
         be argued that this is a short-sighted strategy during an eco-  outlets than existed before.
         nomic downturn, when coupled with a global pandemic, this
         response is a bit more understandable.               Monitoring the media for trending topics, terms and themes
                                                              has become as much of a scientific exercise as a marketing
         Consumers have reacted by shifting their focus more toward
                                                              exercise. Nuanced shifts in the financial markets, healthcare
         information than commercialism. They are engrossed in the
                                                              system, and energy and regulatory industries can have dra-
         latest news and updates, which may affect their well-being.
                                                              matic impacts on news cycles. We see certain terms enter
         The volume of news content being published, as well as the
                                                              the media and quickly dominate the conversation. Then they
         consumption of news media, has spiked. This is where the
                                                              just as suddenly fade away, only to be replaced by the sound
         eyeballs are - this is where the attention is.
                                                              bite du jour.
         The role of public relations is to positively place a brand into
         news stories. That is why PR is the one function within the  Today's communications team is expected to not only keep
                                                              track of these shifts, but to dynamically synthesize and
         marketing organization that is positioned to step up, take a
                                                              contextualize them in a way that their company can take
         leadership position and have the greatest impact on com-
                                                              appropriate action. The modern communicator is not just a
         pany reputation during this period.
                                                              great storyteller. They need to understand data: how to or-
         Earned media, specifically, is already the most trusted form  ganize it, how to read it, how to interpret it. And since things
         of marketing. Somewhat paradoxically, it is also the most  are changing day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute,
         cost-effective. There is simply no better instrument during a  information needs to be available quickly and on an ongoing
         widespread crisis than communications.               basis.

         People need more right now. They need to be educated,  With the right perspective and the ability to adjust your com-
         entertained and enlightened. People need great stories. We  munications strategy based on these real-time trends, you
         are operating in a world of narrative economics, and this is  can both protect your brand during pivotal moments and find
         at the heart of the communications function: identifying the  ways to reassure your constituents of your company's key
         compelling idea, crafting the narrative and finding the right  values. Understanding the news is the first step toward shap-
         partner to tell the story with.                      ing it.

                             "You deserve a person who loves you as much as you need to be loved."

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