Page 64 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 64

Times has been using AI to analyze earthquake data and Grammarly
         turn around breaking news articles on  earthquakes through-  While this tool does not write articles for you, its artificial
         out the world.                                       intelligence and machine learning components help you to
                                                              write better content. It is equipped to warn you of spelling
         Such data-driven AI articles are a boon -- they take the pres-  and grammar mistakes, as well as offer suggestions for
         sure off staff writers and help content sites disseminate im-  improvements.
         portant information as quickly as possible.

         And the possible uses for this technology are endless. Think  This platform, equipped with a knowledge of content mar-
         of the number of industries who create huge data sets daily.  keting best practices and the ability to analyze the perfor-
         Without AI, it would take a lot longer to analyze the data,  mance of your content, is designed to give you the best ad-
         with the possibility of missing some key points.     vice and predictions about your content. With fresh insights
                                                              and advice, it gives you the knowledge you need to adapt
                                                              your strategy according to your current needs. You can even
         The Bottom Line                                      set it to curate relevant content and distribute it to your

         Especially for high-quality content that needs to maintain  audience.
         impeccable standards, it's unlikely brands will rely solely on
         AI in the near future.                               Word.AI
                                                              Have an article that you're not terribly fond of, but don't
         Even when using AI to write articles, brands will need a safe-  have the time to re-work it? This is where Word.Ai comes
         guard to ensure standards and to maintain their brand's  in. Input the article into its system and it will re-write it
         voice. It's safe to say that we are a long way from handing  into a brand-new, original piece.This is particularly helpful
         all of our content creation needs over to artificial intelli-  if you need an article that won't raise red flags with
         gence. However, for data-based content writing where the  Google's algorithm or Copyscape for duplicate content.
         facts are paramount, AI can be a boon.
                                                              This AI tool from Automated Insights takes your data and
                                                              produces a written narrative for it. Whether you have data
                                                              on your organization's structure or goals, Wordsmith can
                                                              take those numbers and give you back a well-written nar-
                                                              rative. Used by such companies as The Associated Press and
                                                              Yahoo, Wordsmith has produced thousands of articles with
                                                              little more than a set of data.
                                                              Technology is constantly expanding the scope of AI, espe-
                                                              cially when it comes to content writing. This amazing tech-
                                                              nology gives you strategic tools to help you create better
         Now that you know what's happening in artificial intelli-  content. Let's see what the future brings in AI technology. T
         gence, let's take a look at some tools you can use in your
         content writing.

         5 Powerful AI Tools to Keep at Your Side

         Article Forge
         This AI tool takes any topic and generates an article about
         it. How does it do this? Once you enter your topic and key-
         word, it will search all all relevant online content and gather
         that information into a unique article. It also can integrate
         SEO tactics into each article to give you a leg up.

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