Page 66 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
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based Storytelling. The data will be their contents in the same way. So now of premium content by connecting tele-
actively used to understand trends and it’s a requirement for any modern vision and cinema. As executive pro-
current topics, identify gaps and cre- marketer. ducers, they help to finance content
ate attractive content. that is linked to their brand values
13. A flexible search for rather than to their products.
11. The marketing bunkers talents. By 2023, brands will spend 20% of their
finally burst. The teams using freelance talents will marketing budgets on influencer mar-
Marketers will start using multi-chan- gain a competitive edge. keting. However, often their cam-
nel strategies. Television will comple- paigns are conducted in isolation from
ment Internet traffic and sales, social 14. A sensory immersion. the broader marketing strategy of the
networks will supplement retail trans- The brands create an interactive mar- brand. To really make them an exten-
actions and direct mail will supplement keting experience that attracts and sion of your own voice and brand, you
e-mail. delights each of the five senses. need to do one more step forward.
12. Increased availability 15. The Brands as execu- 2020 will be the year when brands re-
alize the potential of Integrated Influ-
through channels. tive producers. encer Marketing. Connecting
Brands must optimize their channels in One of the main tendencies in 2020 influencers with the essence of your
order to be accessible to all. It cannot consists in the fact that brands now marketing strategy is the key to win
be suggested that everyone treats strive to become executive producers the game. – Courtesy PRMR
Daughters' property rights have retrospective effect: SC
Holding that daughters cannot be deprived of t heir right of equality, the Supreme Court Tuesday ruled that they will
have equal coparcenary rights in joint Hindu family property even if the father died before the Hindu Succession (Amend-
ment) Act, 2005. A bench of Justices Arun Mishra, S Nazeer and M R Shah said the provisions contained i n substituted
Section 6 of t he Hindu Succession Act, 1956 confer the status of coparcener on the daughter born before or after
amendment i n t he same manner as a son with the same rights and liabilities.
The verdict makes it clear the amendment to the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 granting equal rights to daughters to
inherit ancestral property would have retrospective effect. The top court, which overruled its earlier 2015 decision in
which it had held that the rights under the amendment are applicable to living daughters of living coparceners as on
September 9, 2005, irrespective of when such daughters are born, also observed that "a daughter always remains a
loving daughter".
It also quoted its earlier judgement and said “A son is a son until he gets a wife. A daughter is a daughter throughout
her life.” The three-judge bench Tuesday said, "the rights can be claimed by the daughter born earlier with effect
from September 9, 2005 with savings as provided in Section 6(1) as to the disposition or alienation, partition or tes-
tamentary disposition which had taken place before December 20, 2004. Since the right in coparcenary is by birth, it
is not necessary that father coparcener should be living as on September 9, 2005."
Coparcener is a term used for a person who assumes a legal right in parental property by birth only. The apex court,
in its 121 page judgement, said the statutory fiction of partition created by proviso to Section 6 of the Hindu Succes-
sion Act, 1956 as originally enacted did not bring about the actual partition or disrup - tion of coparcenary. "The
fiction was only for the purpose of ascertaining share of deceased coparcener when he was survived by a female heir,
of Class I as specified in the Schedule to the Act of 1956 or male relative of such female.
"The provisions of the substituted Section 6 are required to be given full effect. Notwithstanding that a preliminary
decree has been passed the daughters are to be given share i n coparcenary equal to that of a son in pending pro-
ceedings for final decree or in an appeal," the bench said.
66 PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020