Page 69 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 69
method that will give you benefits Email Advertising Remarketing and Retarget-
from day one. In other words, you Email advertising is a marketing proce- ing
won't have to wait for people to type dure which needs receivers consent.
your keywords to see your ad. Social That's to say, marketers create email Remarketing aims at reactivating con-
media ads appear on social networks lists to which their audience has al- sumers intends mainly through emails.
with huge audiences. ready opted-in. That's why email mar- That's to say, when visitors to your site
start an action like place an item in the
keting is so efficient these days.
As easy as it sounds, you will need to cart, but never complete it.
carefully choose which platforms are Apart from giving you the chance to
best to show your ads. This will depend send personalized emails to different Remarketing happens when you send
on your audience. However, among its segments of your audience, email mar- an email to remind them how great
many benefits, one of the most signifi- keting is no doubt affordable since you your product is. Such a reminder tends
cant advantages of social media ads is don't need to spend on printed ads. to go accompanied by a further moti-
that it allows you to target specific Most adults have email accounts and vation like free shipping or a discount.
audience segments. many admit to favor emails as an ad- You can even create a sense of ur-
gency. For example, the offer will ex-
vertising channel.
On top of that, it is a well-known fact pire soon or there are only a limited
that social media ads help you to en- If combined with social media, email amount of units in stock. Not surpris-
gage with your audience and advertising can be really successful. You ingly, you will need a catchy subject
strengthen your relationship with should include links to share email con- line.
them. Not to mention the fact that tent on the emails you send. Besides,
your audience themselves can help you you can use social media networks to If you convince them to open the
spread the word since they can share increase your email list. email, there are lots of chances they
and support your campaigns. complete the desired action soon. In
general, remarketing emails are highly
Apart from personalizing your emails,
Where you can put your you can also automate them. So, you effective since consumers have already
shown interest.
ads on main social media can divide your email list into segments
with similar preferences and email
Which social media platform to use will Retargeting, on the other hand, is a
them according to their likes. In fact,
depend on your audience. I mean, you tactic which aims at reengaging visitors
one of the benefits emails have is that
need to do some research and become to your site through ads. These ads are
it's really easy to track their effective-
familiar with what platforms they like shown on other websites or on a
to spend their free time in. And most search engine. So, once your website
importantly, it would be helpful to Yet, among its drawbacks, it's the fact visitors have interacted with your site
know where do they interact more that as time goes by some people de- and left, you retarget them some-
with ads. cide to opt-out. So, it's essential that where else.
you keep your contacts list updated.
Below, there is a list of the most popu- Some people do not open emails or The ads goal is to drive visitors to your
lar platforms to display your social website again so that they can carry
classify them as spam. However,
media ads: on interacting with your site. Retarget-
emails are still worth using.
Y Facebook ing ads could be sent due to various
Y Twitter Remember to ask your audience to reasons. For example, you can use
Y Instagram opt-in, do not spam them and assure them with users who have been in a
them you won't sell their email ad- website which is similar to yours or due
Y LinkedIn
dresses. This will help you convince to a user's history of searches, and
Y Pinterest them to subscribe. Some marketers more.
Y Snapchat even provide something in exchange of
Y YouTube emails like taking part in a contest. You can either retarget users off-site
PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020 69