Page 65 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 65


                                                   IN 2020

         E       very year in the marketing  paigns compared to traditional televi-  tive and valuable, including exploring

                                                                               trends on natural language in combi-
                                            sion will provide a much clearer return
                 appears and develops new or
                 old trends. It is in the interests
                 of the company to identify  on investment, since many brands are  nation with content authors.
                                            realizing that hyper-targeting and the
         trends, because it gives them the op-  ability to integrate the connected tele-  7. More demand for
         portunity to focus on major issues.  vision into the overall digital strategy
         Below we would talk about the 15   may replace traditional media buying.  Facebook ads.
         main trends in 2020, according to the                                 2020 will be the year of demand for
         Forbes Agency Board members, to in-  4. The technological devel-      advertising on Facebook. As this plat-
         form marketers on what they need to                                   form becomes a more mature adver-
         pay attention to.                  opment.                            tising space that attracts budgets of
                                            The update of Google BERT at the end  existing digital campaigns on
         1. A Conversion Marketing.         of 2019 led SEO specialists to learn  Facebook.
                                            more about natural language process-
         2020 is the year of conversion market-
                                            ing, neural networks and machine   8. The TikTok growth.
         ing, which will become the standard
                                            learning. You can’t optimize BERT up-
         field of digital marketing. Conversion                                In 2020, the TikTok platform would
                                            dates, but you can make sure that your
         marketing is the practice of interac-                                 move to the next level. TikTok is grow-
                                            content is optimized to answer the
         tion with customers in real time, in                                  ing at lightning speed: users already
                                            most important questions from search
         2020 conversion marketing will move                                   gather millions of subscribers and ad-
         towards the development of artificial                                 vertisers struggling to spend money on
         intelligence.                                                         the platform.
                                            5. A More direct communi-
         2. The Voice Search Opti-          cation.                            9. The Intent data.
         mization.                          In 2020, there would be a leap in the  There is a huge potential in combining
                                            development of direct communication  Intent data with high-quality, targeted
         In 2020, the optimization of your
                                            between the client and his favorite  business contact data to enable mar-
         website for voice search would be cru-
                                            brands. This is confirmed by the update  keters to truly take their marketing
         cial. The voice search is on the rise,
                                            of platforms for exchanging text mes-  campaigns to the next level and in-
         and users use Google Assistant, Siri,
                                            sages and offering customers both per-  crease efficiency and return on invest-
         Alexa and Bixby voice search engines
                                            sonal and direct communication.    ment.
         to get answers to their questions.
                                            6. The deepest immersion 10. The Storytelling based
         3. The OTT advertising.
         2020 will be the year of active devel-  in research.                  on data.
         opment of OTT-advertising. OTT cam-  In 2020, research would be most effec-  The key trend in 2020 will be the data

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