Page 61 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 61

5 ways the COVID-19 pandemic is

                           changing media relations

         N        avigating the ever-changing  market, chances of regular national TV  ported doubling its user base during

                                                                               the pandemic. In the grand scheme of
                  landscape of media is never
                                            appearances were slim. Producers and
                  easy. Now,  COVID-19 has
                                            as possible. Now, with concerns of
                                                                               Newsletters allow for either reaching
                  forced media relations pro-  hosts wanted clients in-studio as much  things, does this affect the media? Yes.
         fessionals into overdrive to not only tell  COVID, most interviews are remote  a more targeted audience or amplifi-
         their client's stories, but do it during a  allowing for companies from all over  cation. Either way, it's a win-win for
         pandemic-focused media cycle while  the U.S. to have an equal chance at  media relations professionals.
         news outlets are furloughing, laying off  being on shows.
         or outright shutting down.                                            5. A picture is worth…the top of
                                            3. Phone pitching is (becoming)    the article. Good photos and b-roll
         In the midst of this, the media land-  obsolete. Yes, some of you will say  are more important than ever for re-
         scape continues to evolve. Here are  phone pitching was already obsolete,  porters and producers. It used to be
         some of the biggest trends and changes  but there are still plenty of journalists  easy for them to get their own photos,
         during this time, and how we've been  who appreciate a follow up call. Phone  but now media outlets don't want to
         able to adapt our approach to continue  pitching in February resulted in my  endanger employees unnecessarily. So
         success:                                                              journalists are more willing to accept
                                            team securing both Business Insider
         1. Fewer long leads. The news is   and WSJ for a client announcement.  photos from their interview sources
         changing so fast, journalists aren't  That said, coronavirus has resulted in  provided they are high quality and help
         spending time with long articles any-  journalists continuing to work from  strike the right tone during COVID-19
         more. If they don't publish it when  home for the indefinite future, which  (people wearing masks, etc.). Though
         they're working on it, there's a good  means no office line. Some might still  some outlets might still send out a
         chance the news will be totally differ-  have that line forwarded, but that  photographer, you need to be a part-
         ent the following day. With hot topics,  can't be counted on.         ner on keeping everyone involved safe.
         we touch base with clients at the be-
                                                                               How have you seen the media land-
         ginning of the week to understand how  4. Newsletters are on the rise.
         flexible their days are and the best                                  scape shifting since the beginning of
                                            COVID-19 may be affecting ad sales  COVID-19?
         way to reach them.                 but subscription newsletters are a
                                            whole different story. Many laid-off  Tara Parsell is director of client satis-
         2. Nationwide coverage is more     journalists took to substack and its  faction at Geben Communication
         accessible. Prior to COVID, unless  competitors during the beginning of  where she oversees strategy and ex-
         your clients lived in a major media  the pandemic. In fact, Substack re-  ecution across the agency. T

          "I glimpsed the butterfly which fitted about among the fake flowers of our curtains in its futile endeavor to suck the
                              nectar through its long proboscis. This butterfly reminded me of me"

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