Page 62 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 62
AI and Content Writing: How to Adapt
to the Future
C ontent has ruled digital strategies for the past As Techopedia defines it, artificial intelligence is the "area
couple decades now -- and with that reign, we've
of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intel-
seen some great content writing, as well as some
misfires. But that's all human error -- unavoidable, ligent machines that work and react like humans." At first,
this might conjure images of robot take-overs -- but the re-
right? Well, the recent evolution of AI has given us reason ality is much simpler and much less scary.
to think again.
In fact, artificial intelligence is something we use everyday,
With recent developments in the realm of AI and PR, we without even thinking about it. From speech recognition on
now have access to tools and strategies that make better your phone to customer service chatbots that field simple
content possible. We have AI programs designed to mimic questions, AI makes our lives easier.
human writing styles and improve the content that brands
create. Over the past couple years, we've seen incredible leaps in
the development of artificial intelligence -- especially those
But is this really as good as it sounds? What can AI do for that impact the PR industry.
your brand? What are the limitations of this technology?
And what does the future hold for AI in terms of writing As we've discussed in previous posts, AI is helping PR pro-
content? Let's take a closer look and get answers to these fessionals in many areas. For starters, AI helps us to auto-
important questions. mate menial tasks like social media scheduling and simple
But first, let's take the time to answer a simple question: office tasks. It also helps us sift through mountains of data
What is AI? to determine the best strategies -- whether it be influencer
marketing, social media or media outreach.
What Is AI?
62 PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020