Page 67 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 67

your brand awareness no matter how
          DIGITAL ADVERTISING: HOW                                             big or small your brand is.

                                                                               Digital Advertising Statis-
          TO MAXIMIZE YOUR DIGITAL                                             tics in 2020

                                                                               Given the fact that the time people
                                                                               spend online has significantly in-
                                      ADS                                      creased, it would be wise to focus on
                                                                               improving your digital advertising
                                                                               strategy. If you are still not convinced
                                                                               of how relevant it is these days, have
                                                                               a look at the statistics below!
         What is Digital Advertis-          Not to mention the fact that it is mea-  Y  Internet users spend around two
                                            surable in real time and it gets quick
         ing?                               results.                               hours on social media platforms
         Digital advertising is a promotion strat-                                 per day.
                                                                               Y   Businesses which include social
         egy that aims at reaching consumers  How digital advertising
         online. It covers the whole process.                                      media into their digital advertising
         That's to say, from awareness to sale. works                              campaigns get 129% higher con-
         More and more people search for prod-  Digital advertising is used to advertise  version rate.
         ucts or services online.           content, promotions, products, ser-  Y  51% of mobile users have discov-
                                            vices and more. Yet, what character-   ered new brands/products while
         Thus, if you want to catch their atten-  izes this type of advertising is that  browsing online.
         tion, you will need to run advertising  brands promote themselves on digital  Y  Native video advertising repre-
         campaigns on the internet. Indeed,  platforms instead of traditional chan-  sents 56% of video spending.
         not only do people search for informa-  nels like billboards.         Y   Native ads get 53% more views
         tion online and buy products, but they                                    than traditional ads.
         also use the internet to spend their free  Why does this matter?      Y   Native advertising boosts buying
         time.                                                                     intent up to 18%.
                                            It's crucial you advertise yourself on those
                                            platforms your target audience spends  Y  73% of consumers can't stand
         In fact, many internet users do inter-  most of their time in. Not any platform  pop-up ads.
         act with brands online. For example on  will work for you, nor do they have the  46% of users take a desired action
         Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more.  same formats and specifications.  Y  after watching video ads.
         Consequently, failing to advertise your-
         self online would be a mistake. The  Thus, if you want to make the most out  Y  Mobile ad campaigns are highly
         amount of time people spend online  of your digital advertising, you need to  efficient in comparison to online
         increases every year.                                                     ads.
                                            do some audience research first. Once
                                                                               Y   Facebook users tend to click
         Anyway, digital advertising differs from  you become aware of which platform  around eight times on Facebook
         organic traffic. The former includes a  is best for you, you will need to decide  ads each month.
         certain cost such as CPC (cost per click)  on the type of advert.
                                                                               Y   Location-based digital ad cam-
         or CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions).                                      paigns are 20 times more effective
         Whereas the latter aims at gaining  Not all advertisements work the same,  than traditional ads..
         better rankings on search engines due  nor do they have the same effect on  Y  35% of online searches are for
         to high quality content and relevant  people. Depending on your advertising  products.
         keywords.                          campaign, budget and aims, some ads
                                            would be better than others.       Y   34% of local searches result in us-
         Moreover, digital advertising is on the                                   ers visiting the shop.
         rise nowadays. It's pretty cost-efficient  But, the advantage of digital advertis-  Y  Retargeting increases user's pur-
         and you can target specific audiences.  ing is that it will allow you to increase  chasing intent by 70%.

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