Page 72 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 72

Create Your Digital Advertising


         What is a digital advertis- Advertising research                      Besides, you can check the volume of
                                                                               mentions on social media platforms,
         ing strategy                       Advertising research aims at improving
                                            your marketing strategies and your  news coverage, sentiment, reach, en-
         A digital advertising strategy is a plan                              gagement, purchase intent and etcet-
                                            digital marketing campaigns. But,
         that somehow helps you to achieve                                     era.
                                            when should you carry out advertising
         your goals, whatever they are. For
                                            research? Well, at least before and
         example, attract more qualified leads.
                                            after each marketing campaign.     Advertising design re-
         This can only be done by means of thor-
         oughly choosing the right online chan-                                search
         nels for your brand.               On top of that, it would be wise to do  Advertising design requires some mar-
                                            some research once you've launched a
                                                                               ket research so that you can better
                                            campaign. Just to check if it is going in
         Normally, you will need to use more                                   understand the behavior of potential
         than one channel, including paid,  the right direction and having the de-  customers. Once you've defined your
                                            sired effect.
         earned and owned media. Though, in                                    buyer personas, you will be ready to
         the majority of cases, all of them are                                generate a creative design.
                                            Before you start an advertising cam-
         used to support the same advertising
         campaign. It is with several campaigns  paign, you will need to try to under-  Even though, you probably won't have
                                            stand your audience. Think about your
         that you can reach your goals and ful-                                a lot of concise information during the
                                            customers and prospects and their
         fill your strategy.                                                   creative phase of your ad, it's manda-
                                            needs. This way, you'll be able to tar-  tory you do some research. I mean,
         But, what do you need to include in a  get several audience segments within  you should A/B test with different ideas
         digital advertising strategy? To begin  the same campaign.            before deciding on the final work.
         with, you will need to define your
                                            You can collect data through surveys,
         buyer personas. Then, you'll have to                                  However, you must be very careful
                                            customer reviews, Google Analytics,
         establish your goals and think of the                                 with deadlines and the budget. That's
                                            keyword research, blog comments,
         tools and resources you need to                                       why research during the designing
         achieve them.                      social media and more.             phase is so critical. That's to say, if for
                                                                               whatever reason, you don't finish some
         Besides, you should also analyze your  Once the campaign is over, it's key to  of the ad phases on time, this would
         marketing campaigns (owned, earned  analyze its effectiveness. You should  affect the others.
         and paid media). And then, come up  pay attention to your website
         with a plan. Do not forget to review  analytics and check where traffic came  Likewise, if you spend too much in the
         and optimize your plan as needed.  from for instance.                 design of an idea, this would be in det-

                   "When you give someone a piece of your mind you forget to give them a piece of your heart."

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