Page 71 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
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businesses use them nowadays to an-  might like based on past purchases,  sonal information to sell it to data-
         swer their audience queries on their  and more.                       bases.
         sites for instance. Among its benefits,
         it's worth pointing out that they are  Customer retention is          Instead, you need to convince them
         able to communicate with users in real                                the information they allow you to col-
         time.                              gaining importance                 lect will be used to offer them a bet-
                                            Getting new customers is great and  ter user experience. Otherwise, people
         Besides, they are cost-effective and  you need to do your best to reach new  would stop providing personal details
         can offer a much more personalized  audiences. But, it's also important to  to brands. I don't blame them, no one
         treatment. Visitors to your website will  retain your customers. The latter could  likes to be spammed all the time.
         appreciate not having to wait for their  do business with you again in the fu-
         questions to be answered while they  ture. You will be able to gather reliable  Now you are ready to choose the right
         can carry on browsing on your Web  data from them.                    channels to advertise both your prod-
         page.                                                                 ucts/services and your business. I hope
                                            What's more, it's cheaper to retain
                                                                               you have found this information useful.
         Personalization                    customers than to gain new ones. Not  You wouldn't be able to make a great
                                            to mention the fact that past custom-
         This year a lot more companies are ex-                                choice unless you knew what digital
                                            ers, if they're happy with your brand,
         pected to use personalization in their                                display advertising, search advertising,
                                            can recommend you to the people they
         digital marketing campaigns. The truth                                social media advertising and email ad-
                                            know. So, it's worth drawing them the
         is not many companies are offering a                                  vertising are.
                                            attention they deserve.
         completely personalized service. How-
         ever, this is what many users expect.  Consumer privacy has to        Remarketing and retargeting are es-
                                                                               sential too. Any of them can help you
                                            be guaranteed
         So, if you want to improve your ben-                                  convince those visitors who left your
         efits, you need to focus on personaliza-  These days, more relevance is being  site without taking a desired action.
         tion. I mean, not only using your cus-  given to consumer privacy. You must be  Besides, being familiar with the digital
         tomers name on their emails, but of-  transparent with your customers and  advertising trends of this year is man-
         fering them products you think they  assure them you won't use their per-  datory. T

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