Page 74 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 74

you will save time and energy that you  which are more important for your  3. Develop a customer journey
         could use to improve your ads.     brand.                             map

                                                                               It is critical you define your customer
         How to craft a digital ad-         What's more, goals are what will help  journey map. This one starts with your
                                            you check the effectiveness of your
         vertising strategy                 strategies, and your advertising cam-  customers awareness about your
         Crafting a digital advertising strategy  paigns. It's important you start with  brand and products. Then, you must
         is essential. Not only is it important due  goals you can achieve as it's discourag-  convince them to think you are the
         to the fact that many people spend  ing if you never reach them. Likewise,  right choice. The last phase is when
         time online, but is is also crucial since  if they're too easy, motivation won't be  they actually convert to customers.
         there are lots of possibilities available.  high.
         In other words, digital advertising can                               The more you understand this process,
                                                                               the better informed you will be. And,
         be complex if you don't know your au-  2. Define your target audience
         dience.                                                               as you may well know, information is
                                            It comes as no surprise that you need  power. Becoming familiar with your
                                            to know your audience so that you can  customer journey map can make a dif-
         Indeed, you would have a specific bud-  reach them better. Indeed, becoming
         get to spend on digital ads. It is be-                                ference in the planning of your digital
                                            familiar with your current customers is  advertising strategies.
         lieved that marketers are increasing
                                            not enough. You should also think
         the amount of money they spend on  about those who you would like to have 4. Find out what channels
         digital advertising. Still, you cannot
                                            as customers.                      work for you
         cover everything.
                                                                               Likewise, it's mandatory you discover
                                            The best way to understand your au-  what channels work for you. How
         Even if you could afford it, it would be  dience is by means of developing buyer
         worthless to use channels your audi-                                  would you know that? Finding out
                                            personas. These ones are imaginary  those channels which your audience
         ence doesn't pay attention to. Thus,
                                            customers you might have. They have  uses. It could be the case that if you
         you need to develop a plan to make  to be different, each of them repre-
         the most out of your digital advertis-                                look at your audience and its several
                                            senting a segment of your target au-  segments, they use more than one
         ing efforts. Let's have a look at some
                                            dience.                            channel.
         critical steps to follow!
                                            You should have data as regards who  That's fine, it's what we already ex-
         1. Set your goals                  they are, where they live, what they  pect. So, you will need to use both paid
         Before you can start planning your  do, their gender, their age and more.  and organic advertising on those social
         strategy, you'll need to set your goals.  Besides, it's helpful to know how they  networks they use. However, if you
         You will probably have several goals  speak. As the language they use to talk  know there are other platforms they
         such as increase your sales, get X num-  about your products or services is not  don't use, it is not necessary you waste
         ber of likes or shares on social media  the same you use to describe them.  your budget targeting people there.
         networks, and more.
                                            The best way to know your audience  As there are more and more channels
         Whatever your goals are, it's funda-  is to listen to them. You should try to  everyday, it's fundamental you select
         mental you know them. In fact, you  make an effort to know their pains and  the ones that matter for your brand.
         should distinguish between those   do your best to solve them. Learning  Those would be the ones your audi-
         which can be obtained soon and those  about your audience will also help you  ence interacts with.
         which would come in the long-term.  target them where they are online.
         You should also know of all your goals  This way, boosting your efforts.  It's worth considering that your most

                                    "He loves her for all of the reasons you were afraid to."

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