Page 79 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 79

Wrap up with a summary and then    When used appropriately, humor is a  to express them without infringing on
         stop. Summarize your response and  great way to relieve stress when com-  the rights of others.
         then stop talking, even if it leaves a  municating. When you or those
         silence in the room. You don't have to  around you start taking things too se-  Express negative thoughts in a posi-
         fill the silence by continuing to talk.  riously, find a way to lighten the mood  tive way. It's OK to be angry, but you
                                            by sharing a joke or an amusing story.  must remain respectful as well.
         Quick stress relief for effective
                                            Be willing to compromise. Sometimes,  Receive feedback positively. Accept
                                            if you can both bend a little, you'll be  compliments graciously, learn from
         When a conversation starts to get
                                            able to find a happy middle ground that  your mistakes, ask for help when
         heated, you need something quick and  reduces the stress levels for everyone  needed.
         immediate to bring down the emo-   concerned. If you realize that the other
         tional intensity. By learning to quickly  person cares much more about an is-  Learn to say "no." Know your limits
         reduce stress in the moment, you can  sue than you do, compromise may be  and don't let others take advantage of
         safely take stock of any strong emo-  easier for you and a good investment  you. Look for alternatives so everyone
         tions you're experiencing, regulate  for the future of the relationship.  feels good about the outcome.
         your feelings, and behave appropri-
         ately.                             Agree to disagree, if necessary, and  Developing assertive communi-
                                            take time away from the situation so  cation techniques
         Recognize when you're becoming     everyone can calm down. Go for a
         stressed. Your body will let you know  stroll outside if possible, or spend a few  Empathetic assertion conveys sensitiv-
         if you're stressed as you communicate.  minutes meditating. Physical move-  ity to the other person. First, recognize
         Are your muscles or stomach tight?  ment or finding a quiet place to regain  the other person's situation or feelings,
         Are your hands clenched? Is your   your balance can quickly reduce stress.  then state your needs or opinion. "I know
         breath shallow? Are you "forgetting"                                  you've been very busy at work, but I
                                                                               want you to make time for us as well."
         to breathe?                        Skill 4: Assert yourself
                                            Direct, assertive expression makes for  Escalating assertion can be employed
         Take a moment to calm down before
                                            clear communication and can help   when your first attempts are not suc-
         deciding to continue a conversation or
                                            boost your self-esteem and decision-  cessful. You become increasingly firm
         postpone it.
                                            making skills. Being assertive means  as time progresses, which may include
         Bring your senses to the rescue. The  expressing your thoughts, feelings, and  outlining consequences if your needs
         best way to rapidly and reliably relieve  needs in an open and honest way,  are not met. For example, "If you
         stress is through the senses-sight,  while standing up for yourself and re-  don't abide by the contract, I'll be
         sound, touch, taste, smell-or move-  specting others. It does NOT mean  forced to pursue legal action."
         ment. For example, you could pop a  being hostile, aggressive, or demand-
         peppermint in your mouth, squeeze a  ing. Effective communication is always  Practice assertiveness in lower risk
         stress ball in your pocket, take a few  about understanding the other person,  situations to help build up your confi-
         deep breaths, clench and relax your  not about winning an argument or  dence. Or ask friends or family if you
         muscles, or simply recall a soothing,  forcing your opinions on others.  can practice assertiveness techniques
         sensory-rich image. Each person re-                                   on them first.
         sponds differently to sensory input, so To improve your assertiveness:
         you need to find a coping mechanism  Value yourself and your options.  Authors:
         that is soothing to you.           They are as important as anyone else's.  Lawrence Robinson
                                                                               Jeanne Segal, Ph. D., and
         Look for humor in the situation.   Know your needs and wants. Learn   Melinda Smith, M.A.

                                  "When you go looking for love, love comes looking for you."

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