Page 75 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 75

relevant channels are not only the ones  importance. Online users value high  to be realistic.
         in which your audience is active, but  quality, long-format pieces of content.
         also the ones in which they engage  Yet, you must favor quality over quan-  Similarly, controlling your budget is not
         with ads and their brands.         tity. Above all, you need to discover  only advisable, but detrimental. Con-
                                            what issues your audience wants to  sider that if you spend too much on one
         5. Come up with a calendar         know about. And then, write about  part of the advertising phase, you
                                            that.                              would have to cut down expenses on
         Any great digital strategy should go
         hand in hand with a calendar. This one                                another one. It could even make the
         might include deadlines, industry  For instance, if you notice they fre-  campaign fail.
         events, meetings, who is in charge of  quently ask you the same questions
         creating and posting content and much  about a particular topic, it would be  8. Check and monitor effective-
         more.                              wise to write about this topic and share  ness
                                            it with them. If you post it online, it
                                                                               The last strategy you need to focus on
                                            would serve them well. You can even
         Likewise, this calendar will serve you                                is to check whether you have achieved
                                            attract new clients because of that.
         well during all the advertising process.                              those goals you defined at the begin-
         I mean, since you have the first idea                                 ning. Each platform has its own
                                            Content creation not only helps your
         of an ad, till it becomes a real ad. You                              analytics, you could also use other
         can monitor all the process thanks to  audience, it also attracts visitors to  analytics tools outside them.
         a calendar. This way, you'll make sure  your site and increases brand aware-
         everything is done on time.        ness. Try to post interesting and cre-  Still, knowing your goals will help you
                                            ative pieces of content. You could later  find the data you need to analyze. You
                                            share them, and ask others to share
         Interested in downloading a marketing                                 could later use this information to im-
         calendar? Want to know how to man-  them on social networks. Who knows,  prove your digital advertising strate-
         age yours if you already have one?  you might get it viral!           gies. Not to mention the fact that if
         Read this complete marketing calen-                                   you find any issue, you would be a little
                                            7. Watch out your resources -
         dar guide to find out more informa-                                   closer to solve it.
         tion.                              plan according to them
                                            Obvious as it may seem, many brands  And, that's all for digital advertising
         What's more, a calendar could also  fail to plan according to their re-  strategies. Remember that advertising
         help you to manage your social net-  sources. But, if you want to get the  research is fundamental to succeed.
         works. You will probably have more  work done on time and succeed, it's  So, don't rush yourself and devote
         than one. Yet, they have different for-  vital you take your budget into account  some time to keyword research, com-
         mats and specifications. Thus, a calen-  for example.                 petitor analysis, social media research
         dar would help you to analyze and                                     and more.
         check everything is running as it  Indeed, the budget is not the only fac-
         should.                            tor which affects an advertising cam-  Crafting a digital strategy is not that
                                            paign. You should also bear in mind your  easy. Yet, if you follow my proven steps,
         6. Build a content strategy        staff and their capabilities. If you want  you won't have any problem to create
         Content creation is gaining a lot of  to get successful outcomes, you need  your own strategies and succeed. T

                  "The richest person you can marry is not the one with the most money, but with the most love."

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