Page 70 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
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or on-site. Whether you should use one buying before you show them ads on has significantly improved since it first
or the other depends on your goals. other sites. Nor is it common to offer appeared. Now, it's more difficult to
Most of the times, retargeting is used special promotions to convince con- differ between machines and humans.
to catch users attention and interest. sumers to go to your site. This means that we will continue using
If you retarget off-site users, you would robots to help us.
In retargeting you show an ad repeat-
do so based on their keywords use on
edly hoping to convince users to go to
search engines for instance. While on- These "robots, apps, machines, plat-
site retargeting happens because visi- your site. And once they are there or- forms, etc." have many advantages as
der a product or hire a service, but
tors leave without taking a desired regards humans. They are always avail-
they haven't shown their interest in
action on your Web page. able to help us, they don't get angry
doing that beforehand. even when we annoy them, they have
The difference between Digital Advertising Trends a great memory, and more.
remarketing and retargeting in 2020 Voice search
Retargeting means that you target
The world is constantly changing, and Voice searches are every day more
again a specific group of your website so does digital advertising. There are
visitors. These are visitors who aban- common due to mobile users. Digital
many innovations due to technological advertising cannot ignore them. So,
doned your site without completing a
advances. Still, many aspects keep on this means that you will need to take
desired action. So, retargeting means growing as it was predicted. And oth-
that you try to convince them by into account voice assistants when
ers just remain the same. choosing your keywords.
means of showing them ads on other
sites they visit. Below, I'll explore the most relevant
Either Siri, Alexa, Google or any other
trends for 2020. I'll tell you all about
voice assistant use conversational lan-
Although they've got some similarities the latest digital marketing techniques
guage. So, if you want your content to
like trying to revive consumers engage- to succeed. Don't miss the chance to
be found, you need to bear this in
ment, retargeting and remarketing be informed and beat your competi-
differ in many aspects. Remarketing tors. Let's peek inside it! mind. Remember that most people ask
questions, so this matters too.
differs from retargeting not only in the
channel (usually by email), but also in Digital marketing will ex-
the users interest. pand Private messaging apps
More and more marketers are start-
Digital marketing is supposed to carry
Remarketing happens when you send ing to use private messaging apps to
on growing this year and the years to
consumers an email after they've communicate with their customers.
come. This growth will go hand in hand
shown interest about one of your prod- The truth is that apps such as WeChat,
with speed. I mean, the speed at
ucts, but never finished the transac- Viber or WhatsApp are already being
which new products can be created to
tion. They might have got distracted or used to communicate instead of emails.
help consumers with their needs.
where not 100% convinced. These apps are trendy as they allow
This might be easy if companies part- you to share data in real time and they
So, in remarketing the idea is that you ner with social networks since they foster relationships and brand aware-
remind them how interested they are. have at their disposal loads of data as ness. Not to mention the fact that
And also, it's common to provide some regards users preferences. If brands some of them even allow users to pay
incentives to make sure they end up take advantage of this data, they can online like PayPal, Venmo or WeChat.
taking the desired action. For example, do wonders to please their audiences.
they return to your site and buy the Many brands will keep on
product which was on their cart.
Artificial intelligence is on using chatbots
Whereas in retargeting users don't the rise Like voice assistants, chatbots are a
necessarily have shown any interest in Artificial intelligence is here to stay. It form of artificial intelligence. Many
70 PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020