Page 68 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 68
How to Choose the Right Channels for
Your Business
G iven the amount of ads avail- Not to mention the fact that you can Among its benefits, it's worth mention-
able, you need to have a clear
ing the fact that it will help you to
use several types or just one depend-
understanding so that you can
among search engines such as Google,
select which ones are best for ing on your budget and audience's boost your brand awareness quickly
you. Not all ads have the same format, Yahoo and Bing.
nor will they reach the same audi- Different types
ences. Marketers who use search advertising
Whether to use one type of ad or an-
display their ads in front of people who
other depends on your audience, but
Indeed, each type of ad will help you also on the channel you want to show are already searching for particular
to reach different audience groups. On keywords. This type of ads most of the
them in. Each medium has different
top of that, there are several advan- times appear just below or above or-
specifications. Only research and A/B
tages and drawbacks you need to ganic search results.
testing will help you to make a wise
know as regards each type of ad. Let's decision.
have a look at them so that you can Different types
make the most out of your digital ad- Not surprisingly, there are several
On top of that, you might want to use
vertising! types of search advertising. Depending
different display ads in different cam-
on the type of audience you want to
paigns depending on the audience seg-
Digital Display Advertising ment you want to target and your attract, you would need to use one or
all types. The same is true for search
Display advertising is a digital approach goals. Below there is a list of the most
which aims at drawing online users well-known display ads:
attention to take a specific action. It Y Banner ads I mean, whether you should display
tries to reach people on social media Y Native ads your search ads on one search engine
platforms, websites and any other digi- alone or several search engines de-
Y Video ads
tal mediums. pends on your audience. You might
Y GIF ads
want to appeal to worldwide audiences
That's to say, display advertising pre- Y Interstitial ads or very specific ones.
tends to catch your audience's atten- Y PPC - Text ads
tion with image, video, text-based ads Search Advertising Y Google shopping ads
and more. In the vast majority of Search advertising is a marketing
Y Dynamic search ads
cases, it includes CTAs which drive us- method that shows ads on search en-
Y Image and video ads
ers to a landing page. gine results. Brands which make use of
this advertising campaigns just have to Y Call-only ads
What's more, display ads are great for pay each time someone clicks on their
any business since most of the times ad. So, they are extremely targeted Social Media Advertising
you just pay if people click on your ad. and cost-effective. Social media advertising is a promotion
68 PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020