Page 63 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 63

But this brings us to the latest area of artificial intelligence:  The Limitations of AI Writing
         content writing.
                                                              As with anything, AI-written content is far from perfect.
                                                              While artificial intelligence can glean tone and theme from
         In the past, writing content has always been relegated to  a couple sentences of text and write a few paragraphs, it
         content writers and creators. It was thought that content
                                                              still makes some glaring mistakes.
         needed a purely human touch. Yet, analyzing millions of ar-
         ticles across hundreds of industries and with a vast knowl-  The New Yorker recently conducted a test to see whether
         edge of spelling and grammar, AI has stepped up to the
                                                              AI technology could be used to create an article that would
                                                              meet its high publishing standards. Using an AI tool called
                                                              GPT-2, they fed it the necessary information and the tool
         This of course opens up many of the questions we men-
                                                              produced an article.
         tioned before, such as: What can this technology be used
         for? What are its limitations? Let's take a closer look at
                                                              But the big question is... Was it ready to go to print?
         present AI technology and get some answers.

                                                              In the end, they found that while the AI technology could
         What's on the Horizon for Artificial Intel-          construct grammatically correct senses, it lacked the abil-
         ligence and Content Writing?                         ity and skill to reason and conceptualize -- both important
                                                              components in content, especially when you're creating
         AI has some incredible capabilities -- just in PR, we see how
                                                              articles for The New Yorker. It seems that staff writers at
         it has made our lives easier. We've also seen how AI can
                                                              The New Yorker do not have to worry about their jobs.
         help our businesses to run smoother, especially thwarting
         human error.
                                                              But even without the ability to reason and conceptualize
                                                              as well as a human, AI still has the potential to help in the
         And writing content is no different. We've seen for years
                                                              creation of content.
         how spelling grammar checkers can catch errors that we've
         missed and overall improve the quality of our writing. And
         with auto-complete on many phones and computers, we The Best Uses for AI Writing

         see how AI can speed up the writing process.

         So it comes as no surprise that AI has continued to develop
         with the times. But does that mean that this technology is
         prepared to take on all of your writing tasks? Let's look at
         what we know so far.

                                                              Right now, the majority of brands who use AI have it sift
                                                              through data and create content from that. For example,
                                                              The Washington Post has used AI to sift examine sports
                                                              scores and create articles that summarize local games, as
                                                              well as post updates to Twitter about those games. The LA

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