Page 73 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 73

riment of other parts of the ad's de-  Web pages according to their key-  Thanks to social media research, you
         sign. So, checking things in advance is  words, it's critical you do some re-  would be familiar with the latest
         of utmost importance. This won't only  search.                        trends, consumers opinions, get to
         save you time, but it will also prevent                               know potential influencers and more.
         unnecessary issues.                Not surprisingly, not any keyword  Believe it or not, social media channels
                                            works well. If you choose highly com-  are a powerful source to either boost
         Competitor analysis                petitive keywords, it will be compli-  or ruin an advertising campaign.
         Competitor analysis is a research you  cated to rank high. But, if you use key-  So, it's vital you pay attention to what
         cannot miss out. Its goal is to collect  words nobody is looking for, search  people are saying about your brand
         data from your competitors and use it  engines won't help you to get traffic.
                                                                               and products. You can also use social
         to your benefit. In other words, know-                                media platforms to check what your
         ing your competitors strengths and  So, apart from choosing keywords re-  competitors are doing, to interact with
         weaknesses can help you to develop a  lated to your website content, your  your audience and so on and so forth.
         better advertising strategy.       products/services, and more, you
                                            should pay attention to long-tail key-
                                                                               But, most importantly, social media
         First, you will need to identify your  words. These ones might not be so  platforms are an excellent resource to
         major competitors. And then, you   popular, but they are more specific. So,  collect data. Users share many per-
         should both analyze and compare their  chances are they will help you to get  sonal details, what they like or dislike,
         content with yours. You might want to  visitors.
                                                                               where they live and more. Thus, you
         check blog posts, press releases, vid-                                can use this data to create more spe-
         eos, podcasts, FAQs and more.      It is advisable to use tools such as  cific and personalized advertising cam-
                                            Google AdWords Keyword Planner or
         Moreover, you may well pay attention  SEMrush to help you find relevant key-
         to their SEO practices. That's to say,  words. Think that users won't use the  Effectiveness research
         you can observe how often they post  same vocabulary you use to define
         content for instance. And, their   what you sell, you will probably utilize  Whatever strategies you decide to fol-
         website and social media are worth  complicated terminology.          low, whatever campaigns you run, it's
                                                                               vital to check their effectiveness once
         monitoring too.
                                            It's also relevant to mention that more  they're over. How would you know if
                                            and more people search for keywords  the efforts you made were worthy if
         Once you have collected all this infor-
                                            using questions. So, you might benefit  you don't measure them?
         mation, you will probably have an idea
                                            from including them among your key-
         of what's what they are doing better
                                            words. And finally, if you want to get  You don't need to wait till an advertis-
         than you. These are the areas you
                                            prospects near where you live, you  ing campaign is over to check if it's
         need to keep an eye from now onwards
                                            have to include your location into your  working. Yet, it's crucial you do analyze
         and make an effort to improve. You  keywords.
         could also take advantage of their                                    its acceptance when the campaign has
                                                                               finished. This will help you to discover
         weaknesses if you find any.        Social media research              weaknesses, so you will be able to
                                            Social media research refers to analyz-  work on them.
         Keyword research                   ing social media platforms to compile

         Keyword research is the process by  information and use it to improve your  Likewise, understanding your
         which you look for keywords related to  digital advertising strategy. Since many  strengths will help you to enhance
         your website. It aims at selecting those  Internet users spend lots of their time  them. You will probably need to use
         keywords which would give you the  in social media channels, it's worth  different strategies for different cam-
         best ROI. Since search engines rank  analyzing this data.             paigns. But, if you know what works,

            "The role of affection in marriage is "give and pull" which simply puts you in a position of a teacher who learns

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