Page 78 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 78

Y   You can also use body language to  crossed and shaking your head doesn't  to calm the other person as well. It's
             emphasize or enhance your verbal  match words telling the other person  only when you're in a calm, relaxed
             message-patting a friend on the  that you agree with what they're say-  state that you'll be able to know
             back while complimenting him on  ing.                             whether the situation requires a re-
             his success, for example, or                                      sponse, or whether the other person's
             pounding your fists to underline  Adjust your nonverbal signals ac-  signals indicate it would be better to
             your message.                  cording to the context. The tone of  remain silent.
                                            your voice, for example, should be dif-
         Improve how you read nonver-       ferent when you're addressing a child  In situations such as a job interview,
         bal communication                  than when you're addressing a group  business presentation, high-pressure
                                            of adults. Similarly, take into account  meeting, or introduction to a loved
         Be aware of individual differences.
                                            the emotional state and cultural back-  one's family, for example, it's impor-
         People from different countries and
                                            ground of the person you're interact-  tant to manage your emotions, think
         cultures tend to use different nonver-
                                            ing with.                          on your feet, and effectively commu-
         bal communication gestures, so it's
                                                                               nicate under pressure.
         important to take age, culture, reli-
                                            Avoid negative body language. In-
         gion, gender, and emotional state into
                                            stead, use body language to convey  Communicate effectively by
         account when reading body language
                                            positive feelings, even when you're not
         signals. An American teen, a grieving                                 staying calm under pressure
                                            actually experiencing them. If you're
         widow, and an Asian businessman, for                                  Use stalling tactics to give yourself
                                            nervous about a situation-a job inter-
         example, are likely to use nonverbal                                  time to think. Ask for a question to be
                                            view, important presentation, or first
         signals differently.                                                  repeated or for clarification of a state-
                                            date, for example-you can use positive
                                                                               ment before you respond.
                                            body language to signal confidence,
         Look at nonverbal communication
                                            even though you're not feeling it. In-
         signals as a group. Don't read too                                    Pause to collect your thoughts. Si-
                                            stead of tentatively entering a room
         much into a single gesture or nonver-                                 lence isn't necessarily a bad thing-
                                            with your head down, eyes averted,
         bal cue. Consider all of the nonverbal                                pausing can make you seem more in
                                            and sliding into a chair, try standing
         signals you receive, from eye contact                                 control than rushing your response.
                                            tall with your shoulders back, smiling
         to tone of voice to body language.
                                            and maintaining eye contact, and de-
         Anyone can slip up occasionally and let                               Make one point and provide an ex-
                                            livering a firm handshake. It will make
         eye contact go, for example, or briefly                               ample or supporting piece of informa-
                                            you feel more self-confident and help
         cross their arms without meaning to.                                  tion. If your response is too long or you
                                            to put the other person at ease.
         Consider the signals as a whole to get                                waffle about a number of points, you
         a better "read" on a person.                                          risk losing the listener's interest. Follow
                                            Skill 3: Keep stress in
                                                                               one point with an example and then
         Improve how you deliver non-       check                              gauge the listener's reaction to tell if
         verbal communication               How many times have you felt stressed  you should make a second point.
         Use nonverbal signals that match up  during a disagreement with your
         with your words rather than contra-  spouse, kids, boss, friends, or cowork-  Deliver your words clearly. In many
         dict them. If you say one thing, but  ers and then said or done something  cases, how you say something can be
         your body language says something  you later regretted? If you can quickly  as important as what you say. Speak
         else, your listener will feel confused or  relieve stress and return to a calm  clearly, maintain an even tone, and
         suspect that you're being dishonest.  state, you'll not only avoid such re-  make eye contact. Keep your body lan-
         For example, sitting with your arms  grets, but in many cases you'll also help  guage relaxed and open.

                                   "If you want to know what heaven is like, marry an angel."

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