Page 56 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 56

professionals will need to consider all  some time now, because they are  cations teams. Executives say that, on
         aspects of their clients' social and digi-  more within reach. More and more  average, 49% of the reputation of their
         tal footprint, with the development of  brands are realizing the importance of  company is attributable to their CEO's
         short form videos for social media, or  connecting with micro influencers who  reputation. Companies risk losing 22%
         podcasts for online interviews. Backed  have developed dialogue, rapport, and  of business when potential customers
         by the right metrics, content will need  trust with an intimate audience group.  find one negative article on the first
                                                                               page of their search results, and 70%
         to match the right platform to ensure  This type of authenticity breeds trust,
         a broad outreach. Social platforms will  which in turn can result in leads and po-  of potential customers with four or
                                                                               more negatives.
         play a make-or-break role in the suc-  tential sales. Micro influencers are also
         cess of many brands in 2020. As com-  willing to align with brands as long-  Communicators in 2020 will be tasked
         panies continue to prioritize thought  term partner to ensure successful out-  with gatekeeping and culture-testing
         leadership to influence purchasing de-  come-based campaigns.         to prevent incidents like hashtag cam-
         cisions, sales and marketing teams                                    paigns on social media and other
         need to wake up, and see the value in 6. Crisis communication and     online media, which push for boycotts
         this practice. It's time to make content  reputation management will  of brands and keep brands true to their
         a priority.                                                           mission statements and consumer ex-
                                            be on the radar :                  pectations. This will mean more and
                                            We can expect to see more in-house  more companies will need support to
         5. 2020 will be the year of mi-
                                            roles dedicated exclusively to corpo-  roll their communications effectively,
         cro influencers :                  rate reputation management as part  and streng then their reputation and
         Micro influencers have been a focus for  of an organizations broader communi-  brand voice. T

                 Lower berths: MP HC asks Rlys to give preference to senior

                                 citizens, pregnant women over VVIPs

           The Madhya Pradesh High Court has asked Railways to consider tweaking the allotment criteria for lower berths to
           give preference to pregnant women and senior citizens over VVIPs like ministers, judges of High Court and Supreme
           Court or government officials. A division bench comprising Justices Sanjay Yadav and Atul Sreedharan were hearing a
           suo motu PIL after a fellow judge faced inconvenience on an official trip from Gwalior to Jabalpur onboard Hazrat
           Nizamuddin Jabalpur Superfast Express.
           The court’s order of July 27 stated, “The respondent (railways) while answering the issue of granting lower berths to
           senior citizens has stated that in the priority list of the railways, the VVIPs like ministers, Supreme Court/High Court
           judges etc, fall very high and they have to be first allotted the lower berths. After the VVIPs are accommodated,
           priorities are given to pregnant women and senior citizens.”
           “However, as regards to berth allotment is considered, the respondent Indian Railway is requested to re-prioritising
           the berth allotment by giving the highest priority to pregnant women, then to senior citizens and thereafter VVIPs,”
           the court has said. While giving priority to VVIPs for reservation is understood as they travel at a short notice, but for
           allotment of a lower berth, priority for VVIP is unpragmatic, the court said.

           The court also noted that Railway authorities had the coaches are being designed in a manner that “in future it shall
           be convenient for every person to climb to the upper berth also, however, some inconvenience while travelling is
           inevitable and therefore regretted”.
           The court suggested that to avoid accidents, Railways should put some light or sound on each coach to signal passen-
           gers standing on the platform. It also said the apps or website of Railways should show seats or berths allotted to
           passengers when reservations are done, like airlines. The court further said halt timings of trains at intermediate
           stations should be increased from two to five minutes or the numbers of doors in a coach should be increased or
           widened to facilitate smooth movement of passengers.

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