Page 52 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
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for you to target a specific segment of your audience with distribution, you should promote your brand, message, etc.
social media by both organic and paid content. with influencers.
Understanding your audience can also be pivotal for choos- These days influencers are necessary to distribute and pro-
ing the best channels to distribute your PR message. If you mote trustworthy content. But, not any influencer will do
identify a segment of your audience to which you want to the trick. You need to find influencers who have audiences
address a message, you should research which channel do you want to reach.
they prefer. And then, make use of this channel to guaran-
5. Actively participate in PR events
tee your success.
Finally, were you given the chance to participate in
If you want your message to go viral, you will need to share speeches, conferences, industry events, etc. you should
it on social media. Or even better, make it shareable so your definitely go and share your expertise with the public. Since
audience will be able to share it. Make sure that your con- the participants of these events are already interested in
tent is mobile-friendly as many people access to informa- your industry, your speeches have more meaningful than
tion through their mobile devices. when you promote online.
This kind of opportunities are a must for any PR strategy.
2. Post content frequently
Your audience is highly targeted and you can directly con-
Posting content is always a win-win solution. Using the right nect to a large number of people.
keywords can narrow down your audience and boost your
brand awareness. 6. Traditional media
Although it might be more difficult to get your content
Remember that posting content on a regular basis will help published by traditional newspapers, magazines, TV pro-
you improve your SEO and please your audience. By regu- grams, radio channels, etc. it is worth the effort.
larly posting content on your site, you will promote the idea
that you care for them. If you have something newsworthy to tell why not contact
them? Consider outlet markets and which channels would
3. Leverage targeted advertising - paid articles be better for your target audience. You might get your
From time to time, you might find it useful to pay for the content viral if you convince them of the relevance of what
placement of one of your articles. Yet, before you decide you have to say.
to go for this strategy, you should consider if it would be
the best option. Remember that it is key to address the right journalist with
the right job title. Try no to flood many people from the
Not to mention the fact that you should analyze if it would same publication, but those who cover the content you want
be worth the effort. Sometimes, you can get similar results to deliver.
using other strategies. It would depend on your public and
their preferences. Nowadays, journalists have various accounts on social net-
works. So, even if they do not pick your content for their
4. Influencer marketing publication, they might share if they think it's interesting.
There are one thousand reasons why you should go for in-
fluencer marketing. In PR it is not only important what you PR mistakes to avoid in 2020
say, but also who says that. Or who promotes whatever When it comes to PR blunders, there are so many things
message you want to convey. you will have to take into account. The utmost goal of PR is
to enhance how other people see your company. There are
So, as well as promoting content through organic and paid loads of ways to do that.
"The keys to a healthy relationship are respect, appreciation, loyalty, and passion."
52 PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020