Page 49 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 49

Once you have done some research, you will know who you  Anyway, it is worth trying as the other option would be to
         are trying to convince. However difficult it may seem to  try to contact them all whenever you have a message to
         create buyer personas, it is key to determine who your  share. And sadly, it won't always get to them.
         audience is and how you are going to engage with them.
                                                              6. Define your limitations: create a budget
         3. Decide on the platforms that work best for        Knowing your limitations defines what you will do for your

         your message                                         PR campaigns. For example, if you don't have anyone from
         After having analyzed your audience, you will have to de-  your company to give a speech for your campaign, you need
         cide which platform will work best to spread your message.  to hire a speaker and prepare for the budget.
         You should deliver information in the channel that your
         audience prefers. This way, they will feel more comfortable.  It seems obvious but it is pivotal to create a budget. Once
         This will help you to reach a broader target audience. Not  you have established your goals, you should consider how
         to mention that chances of success will be higher.   much you want to spend in your PR strategy.

         4. Tell your story with press release                There are many aspects you should take into account. For
                                                              example: staff time, images, materials, distribution, unex-
         If you want your press releases to succeed, you will have to
                                                              pected expenses, etc.
         tell your story. Media outlets won't pick up your press releases
         if you only try to promote your brand and your products.
                                                              7. Test the effectiveness of your PR
         Think that journalists receive loads of pre-written press  Finally, as important as planning your strategy is to ana-
         releases everyday. Thus, if you want them to choose yours,  lyze its success. This doesn't have to be only at the end,
         it will have to be interesting, newsworthy, include some  you can also check how is it going during the process.
         quotes, etc.
                                                              What's more, if you notice that your strategy is not helping
         If you are lucky, they will publish your press release and you  you to achieve your goals, you should reconsider it or even
         might even get an invitation for an interview. This will get  try a different tactic. But, if it works, you should know what
         your message viral as it will be visible in more than one  and why does it work. This way, you will be able to repeat
         channel.                                             it.

                                                              Most PR experts agree on the fact that you should check
         5. Make contacts with your outlet and contact
                                                              the success of your strategy at least once a month. It is
         list                                                 enough time to check if a campaign is working or not. Yet,
         Instead of calling each journalist, you should focus on those  some campaigns might last longer than others. So, it will
         who write about your industry.                       depend on your strategy too.

         It is a good idea to build a relationship with those who write  PR Messaging Strategy
         about your industry on a regular basis. Engaging with them  Given the fact that in PR messaging has to be done through
         might prove to be beneficial for both of you. These days,  telling a story, you will need to define what ?s what you
         journalists are looking for pre-prepared stories with cred-
                                                              want to tell to the media. You will have to write your mes-
         ible sources.                                        sages to be appealing to your audience. So, whenever you
                                                              create content, you will have to ask yourself why does this
         At the same time, you want a positive press release about
                                                              matter for my audience. And then, write bearing them al-
         your brand. If you send your content to journalists with
                                                              ways in mind.
         whom you have already worked, you might have more
         chances they distribute your message.                Likewise, it is key to choose creative new angles. This means

                                      "Love has never hurt you...the absence of love has."

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