Page 44 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 44
What is Public Relations? Y Anticipate what people can say about your brand
Public Relations is a strategic communication process that Y Think of strategies to improve your brand ?s image
companies use to establish a positive relationship with their Y Develop strategies for new product campaigns
Y Handle the relationships with your investors, clients,
journalists, bloggers, etc
PR go hand in hand with your reputation that is why they
are so important. Y Advice employees of your company before they take
part in an event
If you run a business, all the things you say and everything Y Be in charge of the social media presence of your brand
you do matters. What is more, it can have positive or nega-
Y Write speeches for your brand
tive consequences for your business.
Y Create and write content for your webpage
As a marketer you cannot take the risk of gaining a bad
Y Organize PR events
reputation as it will take years to clean it up.
Y Deal with press releases about your brand
Thus, PR is fundamental because they are essential for a
Y Prepare backup plans so as to be always covered
good brand ?s opinion. A PR strategy is the one that aims
Y Manage your brand's reputation crisis
at analyzing what people say about your brand; and then,
somehow influence them to have a positive image of you.
Statistics and trends in Public Relations
Remember that the main goal of any PR strategy is to pro- PR statistics and trends have significantly changed over the
mote a positive brand image as well as strengthen the re- last years. What is more, they will keep on changing.
lationship with a brand's audience and/or clients.
Nowadays, the figure of a PR agent is completely different
But, why should you care about PR? The answer to this
from what it was in the past. These days, they are required
question is quite obvious after what I have just told you
above. The main purpose of PR is to keep a positive repu- to deal with many aspects at the same time. That is to say,
tation and improve the relationship with your audience. they need to multitask.
Besides, there is a general feeling of mistrust among the
This includes not only your customers, but also your employ-
audience. They no longer have the faith in advertising that
ees, investors, partners, etc. Having a great brand image
they used to have.
is pivotal as it will show your audience they can trust you.
Yet, this issue can be easily solved providing them trustwor-
Key functions of PR thy, appealing and interesting content. They seem to trust
Below, there is a list of the most important func- more company's experts than what is said about brands.
tions of PR:
Y Analyze what your audience thinks about your brand Still, you will need to work on your brand's image as much
44 PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020