Page 43 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 43

the company to do business ethically and to consider  which benefits the society as a whole. Many corporate
             social and environmental impact on the business. It also  companies donate for such organization that runs social
             warns the company to avoid or mitigate detrimental  security schemes.
             impacts of their business on the society. Company can
                                                              5. Natural environment protection-One primary focus of
             also change the business and delivers benefits for the
                                                                 the corporate social responsibility is the protection of
                                                                 environment. For protection of environment companies
         2. Better Employment opportunities-Many studies have    design their CSR policy to look at company's energy use,
             proven that companies with a stronger CSR policy do better  waste, pollution, natural resource conservation and
             financially and attract and retain more talent. These  animal treatment.
             companies offer better perks and other direct benefit to
             their employees. Hence people join these companies for  Conclusion
             better career progression and job satisfaction.
                                                              There has been an inherent understanding since times
         3. Increased Education and health facility-A CSR activity  ancient in India that no business can grow or succeed in
             promotes education and health awareness among the  isolation. The history of India provides much proof of this
             society and many educational institutions and health  realization that sustainable growth of business requires
             centers and hospitals are run by corporate under their  inclusive development and progress of employees,
             CSR activities. This gives access to good education and  community and environment. Thus the CSR efforts are win-
             health facility to the society.                  win for all. As business grow, the community gains and as
         4. Social security-Corporates also practice social   the society flourishes businesses gain-resulting in a
             responsibility by donating to national and local charities  collaborative growth within the nation. T
                Government’s new tax platform will boost citizens’ morale

           To honour honest taxpayers Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced three tax reforms that are expected to bring in
           transparency in the tax collection system and thus encourage people to pay taxes. The tax reforms announced are:
           faceless appeal, faceless assessment and a tax charter. Faceless assessment and tax charter are applicable from Thursday
           while faceless appeal will come in effect from 25 September. Over the past few years, the government has taken several
           steps to ease the compliance burden on the taxpayers and bring in transparency in the dealings of the tax department.
           Most recently the government introduced a documentation identification number (DIN) in all its communications with
           the tax payers. Any order or notice without DIN is considered invalid.
           Experts believe with Thursday’s announcements, communications from the tax department to the taxpayers will be
           digitalized further. This will lower manual intervention by tax officers, and thus reduce corruption and harassment of
           taxpayers. Let’s understand how faceless appeal and assessment will benefit taxpayers. If a taxpayer doesn’t agree
           with the order passed by the assessing officer, then he or she can appeal against it to the commissioner of income tax.
           While earlier the supporting documents filed by the assessee or the taxpayer with the appeal was heard physically and
           involved manual interaction, now this will be done digitally. There will be no physical interaction.
           “Faceless appeal proposes to replace the manual appellate proceeding (that is physical interaction) before the
           jurisdictional commissioner (appeals) by embracing digitization whereby all the documents of the taxpayer will be
           examined electronically by the tax department. This is expected to bring more accountability and efficiency in the
           dispute resolution process, and also reduce the chances of inconvenience to taxpayers," said Parizad Sirwalla, partner
           and head, global mobility services, tax, KPMG India. However, how effective faceless appeal will be, will actually depend
           on how it is implemented by the tax department. “The success of this faceless appeal endeavour would depend on the
           modalities and the rules which would be framed by the government in the due course alongside setting up a robust and
           strong technological ecosystem," added Sirwalla.
           Faceless assessment enables the tax department to assess the tax returns electronically without any personal contact
           between officials and tax payers. The returns are picked up by the systems using artificial intelligence and data mining
           tools automatically in case the system finds anomalies between the return filed and data available with the tax
           department. No human intervention is involved in the process.

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