Page 40 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 40





         GROWTH OF THE


         C       orporate and social responsibility is a sense of  for a better society, environment, culture comes

                 responsibility towards the community and
                                                              under CSR. It is a contribution of the company to the society
                                                              by their business and social activity. Contribution given by
                 environment in which it function. The aim of CSR is
                 to increase long term value and shareholders trust
                                                              company for the sustainable development of the business
         through public relations and reduce business and legal risk.CSR  the company for the development of the society helps the
         strategy of a company makes positive impact on the   as well as society.
         environment and all stakeholders like consumers, employees,
         investors, society and others. CSR activity in different part of  Company social responsibility depends on various factors
         the world is defined in different way such as, in China a socially  such as market, area of operation, business activity, socio
         responsible company makes safe high quality products, in  economic environment of the area etc. Since CSR issues have
         Germans it means secure employment, in South Africa it is  been gaining in prominence across countries, India also
         contribution towards social needs and in India it means  introduced a law which made CSR mandatory for large and
         company contribution towards the society and environment.  profitable companies.
         Corporate social responsibility is a very old concept in India.
                                                              Regulatory guidelines:
         Earlier, a concept where companies voluntarily contribute
                                                              The first formal attempt by the government of India to put
                                                              the CSR issue on the table was in the issuance of Corporate
                               About the author               Social Responsibility Voluntary guidelines in 2009 by Ministry

                                                              of Corporate Affairs. The most ambitious attempt to
                         Vishvajeet Kumar
                                                              implement CSR activities came in 2013 with the enactment
                         Chief Manager
                                                              of Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013. This law brought
                         Union Bank of India                  CSR activities of Indian corporates under the purview of
                         Staff Training College, Bangalore    corporate law.

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