Page 41 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 41

Now as per the section 135 of the companies Act 2013  Functions of the CSR committee:
         Corporate social responsibility policy is mandatory for  Y  The CSR committee formulates the CSR policy,
         all those companies who come under the criteria
                                                              Y  They recommend CSR activities to be implemented by
         mentioned under subsection 1 under section 135 of
         company act 2013.                                       the company
                                                              Y  They set forth budget in detail how company will
         Under Sec 135 of companies act                          implement the project and establish  transparency
         a. Every company having net worth of Rs.500 crore or
             more, or Turnover of Rs 1000 crore or more or profit of  Disclosures:
             Rs 5 crore or more during any financial year shall have  If the company fails to spend such amount, the Board has
             to constitute a corporate social responsibility committee  to furnish its report made under clause (o) of sub-section
             of the Board consisting of three or more directors of  134, specify the reasons for not spending the amount. Under
             which at least one director is an independent director.  section 8 of the CSR rules it is mandatory for a company
                                                              after 1st April 2014. The Company has to furnish in its
         b. The Board's report under sub-section(3) of section 134
                                                              Board's report an annual report on CSR as prescribed below
             and disclose the composition of the corporate social
                                                              Y  The company CSR policy
             responsibility committee
                                                              Y  Proposed programs to be undertaken by the company
         c.  The corporate social responsibility committee shall
             i)  Formulate the guidelines in line with section 135  Y  The composition of the CSR committee
                 and recommend the board ,a corporate social  Y  Average net profit of the company for the last three
                 responsibility policy which shall indicate the  financial years
                 activities to be undertaken by the company as
                                                              Y  CSR expenditure i.e.2% of the average net profit of the
                 specified in schedule VII
                                                                 last three financial year as per financial statements
             ii)  CSR committee also recommend the amount of
                                                              Y  During calculation of net profits of the companies
                 expenditure to be incurred on the activities
                                                                 exclude following things :Any profit arising from any
             iii) CSR committee also monitor the corporate social  overseas branch or branches of the company or any
                 responsibility policy of the company from time to  dividend received from other companies in India which
                 time                                            are covered under and complying with the provisions
         d. i)   The Board of the company after taking into account  of the section 135 of the ACT
                 the instructions mentioned in sub section 1 of sec  Y  The surplus arises out of the CSR activity will not be part
                 135 make the corporate social responsibility    of business profits of the company
                 committee and approve the CSR policy for the
                 company and disclose contents of such policy in its Activities under CSR:
                 report and also place it on the company's website  CSR responsibility of the company is a commitment to
             ii)  The Board of the company also ensures that the  support or to take initiatives to improve the lives of weaker
                 activities are included in the corporate social  sections or underprivileged sectors. The focus areas notified
                 responsibility policy as per the company ACT.  under the section 135 of the companies act 2013 and
                                                              companies corporate social responsibility policy rules 2014
         e. The Board of every company should ensure that the
                                                              are as under:
             company shall spend at least 2 percent of the average  1. Eradicating extreme hunger, malnutrition and poverty
             net profits of the company made during the three
             immediately preceding financial years in pursuance of  2. Promoting education, special education, employment
             its corporate social responsibility policy .The company  enhancing skills among children, women, etc.
             shall give preference to the local area and areas around  3. Improving mental health
             it where it operates for spending the amount earmarked  4. Promoting gender equality, empowering women,
             for CSR activities.                                 setting up old age homes, Day care centers etc.

                               "Lovers promise they'll stay; soulmates promise they'll never leave."

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