Page 46 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
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you to improve your brand's awareness on social media Thus, a PR agent needs to be good at content marketing,
networks such as Instagram and others. communication, creating videos and more. But, most of all,
a PR agent nowadays needs to be really good with social
Yet, you have to be careful when choosing influencers. And, networks.
it is believed that long-term partnerships will bring you more
benefits than short-term ones. 7. Reputation and trust
This year PR are essential to improve your brand's reputa-
Besides, you should consider the fact that even though tion and in order to get your clients trust. The main reason
working with influencers is on the rise and many compa- why this is relevant in 2020 is due to the fact that many
nies have fruitful relationships with them, it is difficult to people no longer trust PR agents as they used to in the past.
predict outcomes or how much will they benefit your repu-
tation. Yet, the positive thing about this aspect is that they do trust
experts. So, it is vital that you create a blog for your brand.
4. Analytics There, you will have the chance to educate your audience.
These days analyzing data is more and more important. It And also, to show them how trustworthy you are as a
will help you to understand your audience better. So, you brand.
will be able to do your job better too.
8. Personal branding
In fact, not only your clients are vital to gather informa- When it comes to PR not only your brand's image matters,
tion, but the ideal clients you would like to have are essen- but you will also have to pay attention to how your most
tial too. widely known employees are perceived.
Thanks to technology, everyday there is more data avail- So, a little bit of personal branding would be useful to im-
able. Yet, the information you use has to be trustworthy. prove what your audience thinks about them. Besides, it is
This way, you will keep your loyal customers. also a good idea to create some content on their behalf, or
to help them to manage social networks related to your
So, researching and analyzing data is key to PR. After that, brand.
it would be advisable to do the maths and check what's
working and what's not. Why is Public Relations Important?
There are one thousand reasons why you should invest in
5. AI
PR. Above all, PR can help you to increase your brand's
Unbelievable as it may seem, AI is already happening. Per- awareness and to have better brand's reputation.
haps not to the extent it had been predicted in the past,
and not to the extend we would like it to, but it is a reality. One of its other advantages is that it can help you to have
For instance in the form of automation for sending emails. a wider and more trustworthy influence in your audience.
You shouldn't do it with all your emails of course. Though, This is because PR use objective sources. And also because
you can use automation to make your life easier. people believe more in PR than in paid sources such as
It is also happening when we make phone calls to make an
appointment. And some websites even use it in the form of What is more, PR can be a cost-effective way of placing your
chatbots to answer to their clients issues and queries. message in front of a larger audience. Indeed, investing in
traditional ways of marketing will be a lot more expensive
6. Up-skill, Re-skill & Multi-skill than using some part of your budget to improve PR.
As PR go hand in hand with advertising and marketing, PR
agents find themselves under the obligation of multitasking On top of that, some PR agents will help you with your
in order to do their jobs properly. advertising campaigns so as to improve your brand ?s im-
"Time heals some things, but love heals all things."
46 PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020