Page 32 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
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company's many stakeholders. The public relations profes-  reporters, and they don't focus on attractive paid promo-
         sional must know how to effectively address those concerns  tions. They rather promote the brand by using editorial
         using the most powerful tool of the public relations trade,  content appearing on magazines, newspapers, news chan-
         which is publicity.                                  nels, websites, blogs, and TV programs.
                                                              Within public relations there are several strategies for you
         Edward Louis Bernays, established the first definition of  communicating with the public, including:
         public relations in the early 1900s as follows: "a manage-  1. Media relations - working with and through media
         ment function, which tabulates public attitudes, defines the  outlets to share news and information about your busi-
         policies, procedures and interests of an organization... fol-  ness, its products and services.
         lowed by executing a program of action to earn public un-  2. Sponsorships - providing financial support for an
         derstanding and acceptance." According to him, the public  event, team, or organization in exchange for recogni-
         relations counsel is the agent working with both modern  tion.
         media of communications and group formations of society
         in order to provide ideas to the public's consciousness.

         Furthermore, PR counselor is also concerned with ideolo-
         gies and courses of actions as well as material goods and
         services and public utilities and industrial associations and
         large trade groups for which it secures popular support. In
         1948, historian Eric Goldman noted that the definition of
         public relations in Webster's would be "disputed by both
         practitioners and critics in the field." Public relation is thus
         not a phenomenon of the 20th century, but rather has all
         these historical roots. The main objective of public relations
         is to maintain a positive reputation of the brand and main-
         tain a strategic relationship with the public, prospective cus-
         tomers, partners, investors, employees and other stake-
                                                                 FIGURE 5: COMMON PARAPHERNALIA OF PUBLIC
         holders who leads to a positive image of the brand and                   RELATIONS
         makes it seem honest, successful, important, and relevant.
                                                              3. Internal communications - communicating with em-
                                                                 ployees and vendors using tools like newsletters, social
                                                                 media, and town meetings, to keep them informed re-
                                                                 garding important company business.
                                                              4. Special events - hosting or supporting public events
                                                                 that heighten awareness of your business.
                                                              5. Tradeshows - attending conferences, workshops, and
                                                                 expositions with a goal of increasing awareness of your
                                                                 company and its offerings.
                                                              6. Premiums - producing products featuring the
                                                                 company's name or logo to be given to the public.
                                                              7. Social media - managing outgoing and incoming mes-
                                                                 sages via blogs, Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest,
         Public relations are different from advertising. Public rela-  and Instagram with a goal of increasing awareness and
         tions agencies don't buy ads, they don't write stories for  positive perceptions.

                                     "Energy doesn't lie, what you attract is who you are."

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