Page 31 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 31

tions specialist drafts a specialized communication plan and  relations is to inform the public, prospective customers,
         uses appropriate support of media and other direct and  investors, partners, employees, and other stakeholders, and
         indirect mediums to create and maintain a positive brand  ultimately persuade them to maintain a positive or favor-
         image and a strong relationship with the target audiences.  able view about the organization, its leadership, products,
         Public Relation is the process of managing communications  or political decisions. Public relations professionals typically
         between a business and its public, or constituents, which  work for PR and marketing firms, businesses and compa-
         may include:                                         nies, government, and public officials as public information
         1. Customers                                         officers and nongovernmental organizations, and nonprofit
         2. Employees                                         organizations. Jobs central to public relations include ac-
                                                              count coordinator, account executive, account supervisor,
         3. Vendors
                                                              and media relations manager.
         4. Stockholders
         5. Influencers                                       Public relations efforts (often called initiatives or campaigns)
                                                              are communications activities that enhance visibility, shape
         6. Company / Government officials
                                                              public perception and affect change. These activities cre-
         7. N.G.O.s/ Co-operative societies, etc.             ate a positive public image for businesses, non-profit orga-
                                                              nizations, and individuals from rock stars to religious lead-
         It is a marketing tactic used to inform and educate the  ers. Public relation (or PR for short) is considered earned
         public/ customers / consumers. Many people use the term  media and differs from marketing which you have to pay
         Public Relation and advertising as interchangeably, when  for.
         the terms do not mean the same thing. PR involves sharing
         information with the public using platforms that do not  There is a lot of truth to the old joke that public relation is
         require a payment, such as social media or through press  "the care and feeding of reporters." That's because the
         releases shared with magazines and newspapers. PR pro-  essence of public relations is to inform (and persuade) the
         fessionals package information and disseminate it in the  public using media like newspapers, magazines, television,
         hopes that it will be organically shared. Advertising, on the  and radio or social media via the web. Whatever media is
         other hand, involves paying for space in the media, or on  used, the PR professional needs to convince them that the
         websites, and controlling the message that is conveyed.  person or organization they represent has a good story to
                                                              tell, or a good product to share, with the journalist's read-
         The goal of public relations is to shape public perception of  ers.
         a business, presenting a positive image through various
         strategies to its various constituents. Public relations (PR)  Public relations specialists establish and maintain relation-
         and publicity differ in that PR is controlled internally,  ships with an organization's target audience, the media,
         whereas publicity is not controlled and contributed by ex-  relevant trade media, and other opinion leaders. Common
         ternal parties. Public relations may include an organization  responsibilities include designing communications cam-
         or individual gaining exposure to their audiences using top-  paigns, writing press releases and other content for news,
         ics of public interest and news items that do not require  working with the press, arranging interviews for company
         direct payment. This differentiates it from advertising as a  spokespeople, writing speeches for company leaders, act-
         form of marketing communications. Public relation aims to  ing as an organization's spokesperson, preparing clients for
         create or obtain coverage for clients for free, also known  press conferences, media interviews and speeches, writing
         as 'earned media', rather than paying for marketing or ad-  website and social media content, managing company repu-
         vertising. But in the 2010s, advertising is also a part of  tation (crisis management), managing internal communi-
         broader PR activities.                               cations, and marketing activities like brand awareness and
                                                              event management.
         An example of good public relations would be generating
         an article featuring a client, rather than paying for the cli-  Success in the field of public relations requires a deep un-
         ent to be advertised next to the article. The aim of public  derstanding of the interests and concerns of each of the

          "Relationships are like glass, complacent when cherished and irreplaceable once trampled on. It is advisable to let the
                                broken glass be than hurt yourself trying to put it back together."

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