Page 28 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
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and exact meaning of a word. The exact meaning of the during the message's conveyance and afterward. Feedback
word communicate is 'to share' or 'to participate'. The dic- signals can be verbal or nonverbal, such as nodding in agree-
tionaries say that communication is the transmission of a ment or looking away and sighing or other myriad gestures.
message or information by speaking or writing. Another There's also the context of the message, the environment
dictionary declares that communication is giving or exchang- it's given in, and potential for interference during its send-
ing information, signals, messages by talk or gestures or ing or receipt.
writing. Yet another definition says that communication is
social intercourse.
FIGURE 1: BASICS OF COMMUNICATION If the receiver can see the sender, he or she can obtain not
only the message's contents but also nonverbal communi-
Communication is giving, receiving or exchanging ideas, in- cation that the sender is giving off, from confidence to ner-
formation, signals or messages through appropriate media, vousness, professionalism to flippancy. If the receiver can
enabling individuals or groups to persuade, to seek informa- hear the sender, he or she can also pick up cues from the
tion, to give information or to express emotions. This broad sender's tone of voice, such as emphasis and emotion. It
definition includes body-language, skills of speaking and writ- involves various skills like - listening skill, open-mindedness,
ing. It outlines the objectives of communication. It empha- friendliness, confidence, good verbal & nonverbal gestures,
sizes listening as an important aspect of communication. and finally providing appropriate feedback as depicted in
the following pictorial presentation.
All creatures on earth have developed means in which to
convey their emotions and thoughts to one another. How-
ever, it's the ability of humans to use words and language
to transfer specific meanings that sets them apart from the
animal kingdom. Another thing that sets humans apart
from their animal cohabiters is our use of writing as a means
of communication, which has been a part of the human
experience for more than 5,000 years. In fact, the first essay
- coincidentally about speaking effectively - is estimated to
be from around the year 3,000 B.C., originating in Egypt,
though it wasn't until much later that the general popula-
tion was considered literate.
Components of Communication - FIGURE 3: SKILLS OF COMMUNICATION
The components of communication are compiled with facts,
people, strategy, media, journalist, etc. To break it down, Communication during lock down &
in any communication there is a sender and a receiver, a
message, and interpretations of meaning on both ends. The there after:
receiver gives feedback to the sender of the message, both As we all are facing the challenges and stresses around
28 PR COMMUNICATION AGE January - June 2020