Page 19 - Risk Management Bulletin April -June 2021
P. 19



             INSURANCE -  A

             RISK TRANSFER


                               Abstract                       is the genesis of developmental advancement. We are
                                                              now dependent on technology so much that our major
               The penetration of the technology in our lives is so  time is invested in the gadgets that are the gift of this
               much that all our essential working is dependent on  technological advancement. Without them our life
               technology. The same is true with the banking  seems to be dull and void. The penetration of the
               sector. Banking has been made simple with the use  technology in our lives is so much that all our essential
               of technology in all, the domain of traditional  working is dependent on technology. The same is true
               banking. With the rise of digitization, comes the rise  with the banking sector.
               in threat of cyber-attacks. In the past few years we
               have seen numerous cyber-attacks on corporate as
                                                              The banking has been made simple with the use of
               well as individuals. So protection of data is the need
                                                              technology in all domain of traditional banking. Be it
               of the hour. This article touches on the concept of
                                                              transaction, deposit, transfer of funds etc. all are
               protection of data and introduces Cyber Insurance  totally dependent on the effective use of technology.
               as a risk transfer measure.                    With the advantages of being techno friendly we are
             W           e are all aware of the saying that   also vulnerable to certain data theft and be victim of
                                                              cybercrime which can put any organization to
                         necessity is the mother of all inventions.
                                                              reputational risk.
                         The saying in today's context is
                         somewhat changed. Rather putting it in  Now a days there are lot of instances of cyber
             the simpler form we would rephrase it as technology
                                                              extortion, cyber stalking, and hacking due to which
                                                              many advanced nations and corporations are facing
                               About the author               issues in protecting their data intelligentsia. There

                                                              have been instances of cyber-attacks on the various
                         Ashutosh Pande                       banks in the past where cases siphoning off the money
                         Union Bank Of India                  were attempted and our bank was also one of the
                         STC Bhubaneshwar                     victims.

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