Page 23 - Risk Management Bulletin April -June 2021
P. 23





             Four Risks Most Supply Chains Face,              and widespread wildfires can have significant effects
                                                              on your company's global supply chain.
             and Six Ways to Manage Them
                                                              Pandemics can affect a business's ability to receive
             The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown new light on the
                                                              products from suppliers in countries around the world.
             importance of developing a comprehensive and
                                                              At the height of the pandemic, the container shipping
             effective management  strategy for tracking and
                                                              industry was forced to cut costs drastically, resulting
             limiting risk in your company's international supply
                                                              in reduced capacity to transport goods across the globe
                                                              and causing significant delays.
             If you don't have a risk management framework in
                                                              Poor connectivity.  Poor connectivity in your
             place, you won't be prepared to deal with future
                                                              international supply chain may be more of a
             external threats to your business's supply chain like
                                                              predictable and known risk than political upheaval or
             political and economic upheaval. You also won't be
                                                              environmental disasters, but it's still a significant risk
             able to respond efficiently to internal breakdowns in
                                                              to your company's success. If you fail to invest in a
             transparency and connectivity between employees.
                                                              system or logistics program that integrates all aspects
             There's a wide variety of risks that international supply  of your supply chain and allows you to monitor your
             chains face. Here's a look at what - and how -   product's journey to the customer's door, you risk
             companies are managing today.                    limiting global chain visibility and alienating your
             Economic or political instability. Major changes in  clients.
             global markets and the macroeconomic climate can  Invalid or outdated data. Sending or receiving invalid
             threaten international trade, potentially causing your  and outdated data is another predictable risk to your
             manufacturer or carrier partners to go bankrupt and  company's supply chain, and it's also easily avoidable
             affecting your company as a result.              by using the right software system. If you provide your
             Political instability can also create a considerable risk  contracted carrier team with incorrect information,
             to your global supply chain, particularly if you use  they're likely to deliver the merchandise to the wrong
             suppliers or manufacturers based in countries    place, which results in a dissatisfied customer.
             undergoing unpopular governmental changes.       Tracking and Managing Risk

             Unforeseen events.  Unpredictable health and     It can feel overwhelming to deal with monitoring and
             environmental catastrophes like COVID-19 or raging  managing risk to your company's international supply

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