Page 26 - Risk Management Bulletin April -June 2021
P. 26


             management at TDWI, points out, ultimate ethical  practices and contribute to the development of
             responsibility must remain with humans, not with  environment and climate risk management in the
             inanimate objects, no matter how intelligent they  financial sector, while mobilising mainstream finance
             seem. To prevent AI from "going rogue," it should  to support the transition towards a sustainable
             always incorporate human interests as a core element,  economy. RBI joined NGFS as a member central bank
             and this can manifest itself in everything from the  in April 2021.
             decisions it makes to the way it looks. As well,
                                                              RBI has also called for a crossindustry disciplinary
             transparency in AI inferencing lineage may be
                                                              forum to launch a comprehensive climate risk
             necessary to ensure there is an audit trail back to the  assessment exercise for India. As a prerequisite, India
             humans who created it.
                                                              needs to develop emission reduction pathways for
             In the end, of course, managing AI is a matter of trust.  energy intensive sectors and map them onto
             Organizations would be wise to treat AI just like any  macroeconomic and financial variables and integrate
             other employee: Give it a limited set of responsibilities,  them with quantitative climate risk related disclosures
             see how it performs, and then promote it to higher  to develop a holistic approach to addressing the
             levels of authority after it has proven itself both  financial stability risks arising out of climate change.
             capable and worthy. Just like you don't appoint a
             recent graduate as your new CIO, you don't place AI  According to Emkay Research, this possibly indicates
             in charge of C-level sales management or HR.     the need for a comprehensive Environmental Social &
                                                              Governance policy framework in the long run, adding
             While the risk of unintended consequences can never
                                                              to the cost of doing business. Indian banks' lending
             be reduced to zero, the odds are good that in some
                                                              portfolio (mainly corporate sectors such as power,
             way, somehow, humans and AI will find a way to work
                                                              infra, metals, auto and chemicals/paper; vehicle in
             together. And since both forms of intelligence provide
                                                              retail) remains vulnerable to growth/asset quality risks
             strengths that compensate for the other's weaknesses,
                                                              from climate change in the long run, and thus it needs
             it is more than likely their relationship with be
                                                              to be addressed, it said.
             mutually beneficial relationship, not hostile.
             Courtesy :               According to the FSR report, climate risk stress tests
                                                              are different from the traditional regulatory stress-
             Need for policy framework to assess              testing framework in terms of time horizon, reporting
                                                              frequency, sectoral specificity, modelling approach and
             climate risk on financial stability: RBI         nature of output. The attempts to quantify climate
             The climate change risk to financial stability is rising  risks to the financial system can take two forms - top
             and there is a need for an appropriate policy    down and bottom up. Under a top down approach, the
             framework to identify, assess and manage this risk,  magnitude of risks can be estimated by using the
             according to Reserve bank of India. In it's financial  sensitivity of exposures of the banking system to
             stability report, RBI said that some central banks have  physical risk based on geography and transition risk
             started to prepare to monitor and manage climate  mostly based on carbon emissions of the sector. In the
             risks.                                           alternative bottom up approach, financial institutions

             The Bank of England for instance has announced plans  themselves compute the impact of climate risk on their
             to undertake Biennial Scenario analysis in order to test  respective portfolios based on a common scenario
             the resilience of the financial system to the physical  specified by the central bank.
             and transition risks associated with different climate
             pathways. Banque de France has also started taking  Sebi boosts liquidity risk management
             into account the high-level scenarios given by the
             Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening for open-ended debt schemes

             the Financial System (NGFS). Launched at the Paris One  The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on
             Planet Summit on December 2017, the NGFS is a group  Friday came out with a circular on prudential norms
             of central banks and supervisors willing to share best  for liquidity risk management of the open-ended debt

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