Page 31 - Risk Management Bulletin April -June 2021
P. 31


             model, there simply is not the resource to do this  model predictions when combined with third-party
             manually.                                        insights. ANALYTICS TOOLS will be essential for captives
                                                              when reassessing their risk appetite in 2021.
             To maintain data integrity, insurance managers need
             a modern RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. This can        5. Use data science to reduce claim costs
             improve accuracy with online forms, pre-filled values  Data science is often forgotten during the risk
             and easy-to-use data input tools which enable a  management process, yet it can make understanding
             simpler data collection process. This can also help  an organization’s risk portfolio much easier.
             adoption from the field where the data is sourced; we
             found many clients starting their process earlier this  Data science uses artificial intelligence and machine
             year in a bid to secure the best deal, so easy-to-enter  learning to put a structure to huge volumes of data,
             information and high adoption levels were key.   remove bias and highlight where risk managers should
                                                              probe more.
             A dashboard will give risk and insurance managers an
             overview of key information, and analytics and custom  Until recently, data science has typically required
             reporting can quickly pull out the data needed for  experienced data scientists to make sense of it. With
             INSURANCE RENEWALS.                              a modern data science solution, data can be

                                                              interrogated by inputting conversational language –
             If insurance managers can give their brokers and the  making it suitable for general users.
             markets comprehensive and accurate information
             quickly, they will have better bargaining power during
                                                              All users, regardless of their experience with AI, can
             the renewal process. This should give the business
             better terms, and premiums will reflect actual risk,  now quickly discover insights, identify  patterns,
             which can often mean significant cost savings.   generate risk predictions based on a huge range of
                                                              data sources and benchmark their data against that of
             4. Use good data to manage risk appetite         their peers. This can be used to identify the potential
                                                              frequency and severity of different types of claims
             As well as negotiating better renewal terms, businesses
             will also be reassessing their risk appetite and  which can be used to focus resources on reducing the
             considering alternative insurance options.       impact.

             The A.M. BEST MARKET SEGMENT REPORT found that   The beauty of all this is that AI can adapt as technology
             European captives have proved  resilient  to the  improves, or when new streams of data are available.
             pandemic. The hard insurance market has opened up  Moving forward, risk managers who harness the
             opportunities for captives, with the expectation of new  power of AI and data science can gain a better
             formations and an increase in usage for existing.  understanding of their risk portfolio and drive optimal
             Captives need to TAKE OWNERSHIP OF THEIR DATA to
             understand what risks they want to carry and those  As we look ahead to 2021, risk managers can provide
             that they will put to the insurance market. Good data  even more value to their organizations by mitigating
             and analytics are both vital for this.           supply chain risks, building resilience, using innovative
                                                              technology, improving data integrity and leveraging AI
             Meaningful analytics can help identify trends, and even  and data science. (Source : Ventiv Technology)

                                                    Risk Capacity
               In enterprise risk management terms, risk capacity usually refers to the total amount of risk that organization
               can bear without imperilling it critical objectives or corporate viability. This is typically an amount higher
               than the upper risk thresholds that are set within the risk appetite framework. Risk capacity can be both
               quantitative and qualitative and is often used to describe financial thresholds e.g. the maximum financial
               loss in dollar terms that can be absorbed or the maximum capital that can be exposed.

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