Page 29 - Risk Management Bulletin April -June 2021
P. 29


             Domains Are a Critical Component of               Common Tactics     Outcome
             Your Enterprise Risk Management                   Email account take  Legitimate email addresses
             A recent report "Domain Security: A Critical      over (ATO)         are weaponized via email
             Component of Enterprise Risk Management" published                   account breaches
             by the Interisle Consulting Group highlights why  Domain account     Legitimate domains and
             domain security should be a critical component of  take over (ATO)   connected web services are
             enterprise risk management, a proposal that resonates
                                                                                  weaponized via domain
             closely with what we at CSC advocate.
                                                                                  registrar and dns/cloud
             The report describes the current threat landscape                    account breaches
             characterized by cyberattacks that use domain names  Website, app and  Fraudulent web content is
             as a resource for spammers or cybercriminals to
             conduct phishing, fraud, malware, ransomware,     social media profile  used as bait
             distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, and data
             breaches. They either register confusingly similar  The report from Interisle Consulting Group further
             domains to existing brands or exploit legitimate  quotes from CSC's 2020 Domain Security Report that
             domains by compromising web servers or domain    only 47% of the Forbes Global 2000 use enterprise-
             registration accounts to seize control of the domains  class registrars, and more dismally, their own research
             and domain name system (DNS), then manipulate    reveals that only 10% of FDIC-insured U.S. banks use
             them for malicious purposes.                     enterprise-class registrars. This means the
             Every minute a website is unable to process      overwhelming majority are taking a huge risk by using
             transactions - or the days an organization is unable to  consumer-grade registrars that are characterized by
             operate while their systems are held at ransom -  volume sales and commodity pricing with "little margin
             equates to costly revenue loss and reputation damage  for them to implement costly security measures. Multi-
             that organizations cannot afford. As a result, there  factor authentication is not widely deployed, and
             have been increasing cyber insurance claims and the  registrar assistance with email authentication and
             need for companies to have higher levels of risk  integrity or [DNS security extensions] DNSSEC is rare."
             assessment and compliance. Yet cyber threats continue  Some of these consumer-grade registrars even display
             to occur at increasing frequency, even among large  indicators of criminality, offering bulk registration
             enterprises and governments.                     services, name generation tools, and have persistently
             "Because incidents and responses attract public  high concentrations of spam domains under
             attention, there is an overemphasis on attack response  management.
             and underemphasis on pro-active, preventative
             measures to detect, identify, and mitigate threats  "The threat landscape for domain names and their
             before an attack can occur."                     owners is no different from the landscapes for other
                                                              assets that enterprises  fold into enterprise risk
             At CSC, we have isolated the common phishing tactics  management."
             that we see cybercriminals and fraudsters using by
             taking advantage of already established brand trust:  Interisle recommends incorporating domain security
              Common Tactics     Outcome                      into enterprise risk management and for organizations
                                                              to use enterprise-class registrars that understand "the
              Domain spoofing    Rogue domains and
              and look-alike     connected web services look  needs of customers who place a high value on their
              domains            authentic                    domain names, consider their domain names and
                                                              online presence to be business-critical, or recognize
              Spoofing email     Email messages appear to be  that their business or brands may be highly-targeted
              headers            coming from someone else
                                                              for abuse or criminal activities. (Courtesy CSC)

               "Do not click on any unknown link via SMS and email for making a digital payment."

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